Lost marbles

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Lindir leaned out over the balcony, his head in his hands.

"Have you lost your marbles," he questioned turning around. "Do you know the punishment for servants to dress above their stations? Five days without pay!"

You raise an eyebrow at your best friend. It had always been a dream of yours to become one of the Re Ohtar, an all female army of elves, but since you were a maid, there wasn't a chance.

"You would do the same if it was an opportunity to be Lord Elrond's assistant admit it," you state poking him in the chest.

Lindir huffed. "Me? Pretend to be his assistant? I wouldn't even dream of it. Besides you've never even been to the training grounds."

"Then I won't be recognized. Now, hand me those trousers and tunic so I can go."

Your best friend sighed, and tossed the gown over the screen. Once the garment was over on your side, Lindir sat down in a chair, his harp in his hand.

The sound of strings being plucked filled the air as you changed.

"If Cadhradriel (reference to my other book 😉) catches you, you'll be in big trouble," Lindir simply states as he plays another chord.

You poke your head out from behind the screen, glaring at the Ellon. "Which is why you will be my lookout."

Lindir snapped his head in your direction. "You're joking. Do you actually think I would do something so low as that?"

You raise an eyebrow towards him, and flutter your eyelashes. "Please? You owe me."

The dark haired Ellon sighed in defeat. He could never say no to a damsel in distress, especially not his best friend since you both were elflings.

"All right, I'll do it."

You grin and exit from behind the screen. "I knew you would do it. Now all you have to do is distract Glorfindel's daughter long enough for me to get onto the field."

Lindir nods. "I think I can do that."

You grin and kiss his cheek. "Thank you Mellon nin."

A/n: here's your armor

A/n: here's your armor

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