Part of your World

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Requested by the fabulous ShadowsingerCat. I loved writing this!!

You sigh and flip through the pages of one of the books in Elrond's library. None of the books in here were even worth reading, mainly because some of them were written in elvish.

You were from the 21st century on Earth, and somehow got teleported to Middle Earth. The last thing you remembered was opening a book in the bookstore in your home town, then waking up in the forest.

Elladan and Elrohir were the ones who found you, and brought you back to Imladris. Of course, you were excited beyond measure to meet everyone, but you missed home.

Elrond tried to find a way to send you home, but that had been months ago. You finally accepted the fact that you were going to spend the rest of your days here.

Lindir, the minstrel of Imladris, had quickly become your best friend. He was patient, kind, very talented, and very very handsome. You decided that the men back home didn't compare with Lindir.

The sound of leather boots filled your ears as you look up to see who was invading your privacy. You smile to see your favorite elf. Lindir returns the smile and sits down next to you.


"It's me," you joke, singing the second line to Adele's Hello.

Lindir gave you a confused look, which made you sigh. Of course he wouldn't understand that reference, he wouldn't even understand THAT reference. (In honor of Infinity War coming out soon. Marvel fandom you get me 😝)

You quickly explain the song, and Lindir blushes as he fidgets with his tunic.

"What are you reading?"

"I honestly have no idea. I mean, I love books and everything, but I can't read this crap," you exclaim motioning to the elvish.

Lindir tilts his head. "What books did you read in your world?"

You groan and cover your eyes. "Lin, that's like asking me what's my favorite food is. I don't have just one favorite book to read!"

"Well, what was the last book you remember reading?"

You think for a moment. "I think it was either Harry Potter or The Princess Bride. I don't remember which one."

Lindir's eyes widened. "Would you mind giving me a summary of each story?"

You laugh and start with Harry Potter.

A few days later, you were sitting in the gardens, after finally finding a book that you could actually read. The book wasn't as entertaining as some of the other books you've read, but it was better than nothing.

Lindir approached you, hands behind his back as usual. You smile when you hear his voice greet you.

"Hello to you too. I haven't seen you since breakfast, don't tell me you're already dying for my company."

Lindir raised an eyebrow in question. "I'm sorry?"

You sigh and shut the book. "Never mind. What's up buttercup?"

The elf chuckles lightly. Even though you had been here for a few months, he wasn't used to your modern language. His eyes suddenly lighten up.

"Oh, buttercup! Like in the story?"

You laugh and shake your head. "No no no! It's just an expression from where I'm from," you thought for a moment. "But I guess that could work too."

Lindir blushed and looked at the ground. "Oh, I made you this," he says bringing the book out from behind his back.

You smile and take the book from his hands, your fingers brushing against each other's.

"Lindir, you didn't have to do that. Your friendship is already a gift itself."

The brown haired elf blushes an even deeper Crimson when you kiss his cheek. He watched you closely as you untie the leather strap that held the book closed.

Your e/c eyes get watery as you see the first page. It was a note written by Lindir.

Dear Y/n,

Your friendship is perhaps the best thing that has come my way in a very long time. I know how much you miss your home and books, so i decided to give you this. It's a notebook filled with drawings that I made of each of the stories you have told of your world. From the city you live in to the books you've read, I hope you enjoy this book. Keep telling me stories so I can draw more for you!

Your friend,


You flip through the book, different scenes of your past filled your head as you gaze over the pages. He remembered every detail you had told him, even the one with the color of your favorite coffee cup!

You throw your arms around Lindir's neck, quietly sobbing, which caught him off guard.

"Thank you."

Lindir wraps his arms around waist, burying his face in your h/c. "You're welcome, Mellon nin. I'm always here for you."

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