Foresight part 2

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A/n: this was requested by AThousandWishes1000. I feel like this may be really crappy because I've been up since 5:30 this morning and didn't get off work until 9:00 tonight plus I found out I'm going to have to have surgery....adulting is hard kids....anyway this is based off the video above from Merlin, which is one of my favorite shows....

It had been a few days since the bird dream. Elrohir, Elladan, and your father had returned safely to Imladris. You had forgotten about the dream entirely, after seeing your older brother was safe.

When an Orc pack had been spotted in the realm of Rivendell, Elladan and Elrohir made plans to set off and vanquish them. You had felt an uneasiness about the mission, but remained silent. That night, you dreamt of the bird again.

"No...Elrohir no...." you whimper before waking up screaming. "Lindir! Lindir..." You cry out in the dark. The bedroom doors fly open as Lindir rushes to you and takes you into his arms. He wraps his arms around you, kissing your head over and over until you calm down. You cling to him like an elfling to her father when scared, tears streaming down your face.

"It was awful. It was terrible." You whimper as your chest heaved with sobs. Lindir couldn't help but feel helpless. Knowing that you were under such stress and torment, especially now that you were pregnant, shattered his heart. He gently lifts your face to wipe away your tears. "Go to sleep now melamin. I will keep you safe until you awake." He whispers resting his forehead against yours.

You nod. "Will you stay with me?" He smiles and kisses your forehead. "Always and forever." (If you watch the Originals or the Vampire Diaries, I hope you got that) you snuggle into his side, placing your head in the crook of his neck. A few moments later, you were fast asleep.

(the next day)

The sound of horses in the courtyard awakens you in the early twilight hours. You could hear your brothers talking faintly as their voices drift in through the open windows. You looked confused for a moment, then remembered the dream. "Elrohir..."

Before the riders could mount and ride off, you burst out into the courtyard. "Elrohir!" You yell, running down the stairs. Your brothers turn around and see you running towards them. Lindir steps away from Elrond and rushes to you.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Elrohir questions as you grasp his shoulders. "You cannot face this." "Y/n, please got back to bed. There is nothing to worry about. Think of your baby." You hold tightly to him, pleading with the Ellon the stay. "Please, Elrohir, I have seen terrible things." Lindir gently pulls you away from your brother, which elicits more pleads and cries of fear from your lips.

"She's been suffering from nightmares my lord, I'll take her to see Lyrath." Lindir whispers to his brother-in-law. You struggle against your husband's grasp. "I won't let you go!" You yell as Lindir leads you back inside.

The tears started to flow as you watch your brothers ride off. Lindir still hold you tightly against him as you sink to the ground, sobbing into his shoulder. Several elves give you a sympathetic look, remembering how you had had a similar dream as an elfling.

Lindir holds you close to his chest and picks you up, carrying you back to your shared quarters. For the next few days, all you could do is stare out the window, looking for the return of your brothers.

A/n: part 3?

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