Foresight part 3

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Elrond and Lindir look up from their work as Glorfindel rushes in. "My lord....its Elrohir." Elrond immediately leaves the study, with Lindir and Glorfindel on his heels.

When the Ellons burst into the healers room, Elrohir was lying in a bed a cloth across his brow. Elrond rushes to his sons side and looks to his other son.

"What happened?"

Elladan uncrossed his arms, and looks down. "We were was a trap." Elrond closes his eyes. He had already lost his wife, Celebrian, he couldn't lose his son. Before anyone could say anything, the doors burst open and you rush in.

"Elrohir!" You cry as Lindir rushes to you. You twist out of his grasp. "No! I have to help him!" You exclaim as you grab you grab a new cloth. Elladan and Lindir move out of the way of you and your father. If anyone could heal Elrohir, it was the both of you.

(A few days later....)

Elrohir had not fully recovered. You stayed in the infirmary night and day, tending to your brother. Lindir grew worried about you, you had not eaten or slept since he had through the back to Rivendell.

The poison from the arrow he had been shot with, still had a strong hold over him. You were currently binding the wound when Lindir comes to see you. He sighs when he sees you on your feet. "Y/n you need to rest. Please melamin." "His fever is getting worse." You snap back to your husband's gentle tone.

Lindir looks at you surprised. You had never raised your voice at him in the two hundred years of marriage. You wipe your forehead and begin to shake as sobs rack through your body. Lindir embraces you and kisses your forehead.

"It's not working. I don't know what else to do." You sob into this chest. Lindir sighs and strokes your hair. "Your brother is strong. He will recover." You wipe your eyes. "I need to get back to my brother." Lindir nods.

Before your husband leaves he kisses you one last time, and strokes your baby bump. You smile feeling his warm hand through the fabric of your dress. "Any day now, there will be another little elfling running around Rivendell."

Lindir laughs and kisses your forehead. "Just please take it easy. For me?" You nod. "I promise." He smiles and turns to leave when your hand tightens around his cloak.

"Meleth nin?" He questions. You wince, clutching your stomach. "I think the baby is coming."

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