Tutor part 2

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A/n: requested by Calaerdes_of_Mirwood hope you enjoy it Mellon nin!

You and Lindir had been spending a lot of time together over the next few months, and everyone in the Hidden Valley noticed. Daelarien had even started calling you nana, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

One day you were sitting on the veranda, when you see Lindir walking up the stairs. You smile and blush when he approaches. Lindir smiles and bows slightly, taking your hand and giving it a kiss.

"Good evening my lady. Would you care to join me for a walk?"

You put your other hand to your chin and think. "Well, I'm not sure about that..." Lindir  playfully rolls his eyes as he sits next to you. He takes your hands in both of his. You felt your breath catch at the contact.

"Is that a yes then?"

You smile and kiss his cheek. "What do you think?"

Lindir smiles and kisses your hand one more time before leaving. "Until tonight," he paused for a moment before adding melamin to the end of his statement. You blushed Crimson at the statement.

Later that night, you knock on the door to Lindir's quarters. Daelarien had already been tucked into bed, and the young Lady Arwen had volunteered to babysit for the Ellon. Lindir smiles as he opens the door.

"Good evening Y/n. Are you ready?"

You nod and link your arm with his. Lindir closes the door and leads you down the hall. You lean your head against his shoulder as you walk, enjoying the silence. Lindir rubs your knuckles with his fingers.

You enjoy some small talk as you make your way down the hall. Lindir nods and chuckles when you tell him about your day, and you listen intently as he talks about his work with Elrond.

A sudden breeze causes you to shiver, making your grip on Lindir's arm tighten. He stops and looks at you. "Are you cold melamin?" You nod. "Just a little. I'll be okay."

Lindir shakes his head, taking off his maroon cloak and draping it over your shoulders. It smells like him. You blush and give him a small smile. "Thank you meleth."

Lindir smiles and brings your hand to his lips before enveloping you in a warm hug. You close your eyes and nuzzle your face into his chest as Lindir runs his hands up and down your back, trying to give you more warmth.

He kisses the top of your head and hums an elvish tune.

Lord Elrond stood in his balcony watching the scene unfold before him. He was smiling, seeing that his friend had found his One. Lady Celebrian smacks his arm. "Don't you dare interfere with Lindir and Y/n." the lord of Rivendell laughed. "I shan't think of it."

You open your eyes and look to Lindir.


"Hmm?" He asks his eyes closed as he hummed the tune. You pull your head back to look at him. Lindir looks to you now with worried eyes, his arms around you tighten slightly. "What is it?"

You shake you head. "I love you."

Before Lindir could respond, your lips were pressed to his in a gentle kiss. Lindir's right hand moved to your waist, as his left hand came up to the back of your head.

After several minutes, you break apart for air. Lindir sets his forehead against yours. "Stay with me. With Daelarien. She's already calling you nana."

You smile. You adored his daughter and loved her as if she were your own. "I will. Always and forever." Lindir smiles and kisses you again.

Later that night, you went to Lord Elrond's chambers and eloped. The small ceremony was witnessed by Lady Celebrian and Lord Glorfindel. You smile as Lindir kisses you.

You finally found your One, and you couldn't be happier.

A/n: may do a part 3 for this. What do you think?

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