Hide and seek

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A/n: Lindir and the reader are elflings. Reader is Glorfindel's daughter. Also Meludir makes an appearance.

"Eight, nine, ten. Ready or not here I come!" Lindir's mother, Tolleniel, calls. Meludir giggles from his hiding spot. The Elleth looks around the family's quarters, looking for the troublesome elflings.

You and Lindir decided to go and hide outside of the quarters. Tolleniel smiles when she hears Meludir giggling from behind a curtain.

Meludir lets out a shriek when the curtain is pulled back. Tolleniel wraps her arms around her youngest and kisses his cheek. "I found you!" Meludir shrieks again trying to wriggle his way out of his Nana's arms.

"Now where is your brother and Y/n?"

Meludir shakes his head, he wouldn't give up your hiding spot that easily.

Meanwhile, you and Lindir sat under the table in the Hall of Fire. A tablecloth had been placed over the table in preparation for the feast of starlight, and you thought it would be a perfect hiding spot.

Lindir peeked under the cloth, looking for his Nana's shoes. When he doesn't see them, he turns back to you. You giggle and cover your mouth, trying to keep quiet.

"Shhhhh. She'll find us!" Lindir whispers, putting his finger to his lips. That only made you giggle even louder.

Before Lindir could say anything, the doors opened. You immediately go silent and scoot closer to Lindir. You wrap your arms around each other.

Meludir skips in, holding Tolleniel's hand. "I don't know where they are nana." Tolleniel's eyes look around the great hall. "I suppose you're right. Come along my young one, we shall go to the kitchens." You and Lindir look at each other with wide eyes.

Once they were out of sight, you and Lindir come out from under the table. Lindir  brushes his hair out of his face and giggles. "The kitchens?!" You look at him and grin.

Lindir takes your hand and runs towards the kitchens. Rounding a corner, both of you run into the Lords Elrond and Glorfindel. Glorfindel raises an eyebrow when he sees you and the elfling on the ground.

You smile and hug him. "Ada!" Glorfindel smiles and kisses your cheek. "Where are you two off to this afternoon?" Lindir points in the direction of the kitchens. Elrond and Glorfindel give each other knowing looks.

"If you hurry, you may find the cooks bringing out a new  pan of lembas!" Elrond states, nodding towards the direction young Lindir was pointing.

The elflings gasp and the Ellon grabs elleth's hand, dragging her in that direction.

Elrond shakes his head chuckling. Glorfindel gives the lord a curious look. "My lord?" The brunette elf nods after the two of you running down the hall. "They have always been good friends. I see a bright future in front of them."

Glorfindel smiles. "Yes, Y/n and Lindir will be together forever."

It was true, for a couple hundred years later, Lindir would ask you to be his wife and you would eagerly accept.

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