Why me? part 2

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A/n: because everyone needs some tender love and Lindir in the morning 😝 Lindir is precious as a father and I'm pretty sure I've said that a lot 😂

Lindir rolled over in bed and looked at your sleeping form. After the night you both had, no wonder you were still asleep. (😏 y'all had a very sexy night😉) he kisses your forehead and tucks a strand of hair out of your eyes.

You stir slightly and snuggle closer into his warmth. Lindir strokes your hair and holds you close. The sound of his heartbeat slowly beating, pulled you awake from your slumber.

You keep your eyes closed as you stroke his arm, telling him you were awake but did not want to speak

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You keep your eyes closed as you stroke his arm, telling him you were awake but did not want to speak. He smiles and kisses your forehead again. The two of you lay there for a few minutes, before you say anything.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

You kiss the soft skin of his bare chest before tapping his arm, asking for him to move it. Lindir releases you from his grasp as you get out of bed. "What are your plans for today meleth nin?" He asks joining you at the wardrobe.

You wrap your arms around your middle, thinking about what to wear. "I was going to take Taneniel and Avorthal to the market so they can buy a new book. Lindir places his hands on your bare shoulders and kisses the back of your neck.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Lord Elrond does not need my assistance until this afternoon, would you mind if I join you?" You turn around and wrap your arms around his neck, "I would love for you to join us."

(At the market)

You hold Avorthal in your arms, since he was still a small elfling as Lindir holds Taneniel's hand. "Nana, Ada?" Taneniel asks tugging on Lindir's hand. "Yes?" Lindir asks bending down to pick her up.

"Can I go see the baby kittens?"

You raise and eyebrow and look at her. "May I go see the kittens?" She giggles and covers her smile that you had corrected her grammar. You kiss her cheek. "Why don't you take your brother." Avorthal squirms out of your grasp.

You and Lindir laugh as you watch the elflings run off. "Be careful." He calls as he wraps an arm around your waist. You nudge his shoulder. "What? The dwarves of Erebor are here. I don't want them running into trouble." He defends himself.

You kiss his cheek as you continue your walk through the market. Some of the younger elflings run past you to join your children at the kitten pen.

"How did I get to be so lucky to have a beautiful family?" Lindir asks as he wraps an arm around you. "Well it involved you and me...." you joke placing your head on his shoulder.

He laughs. "Yes...yes it did." You blush, burying your face in his hair. Lindir smiles. "Come on, let's go before they ask us to buy another kitten."

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