Chapter 11

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When I saw Matt and Callie kissing at her house, I was shocked. I never thought in a million years that Matthew Lee Espinosa would ever do something like that. But he did. And now I'm here. In my room. Alone. Crying my eyes out.

But it wasn't all Matt, Callie was obviously a part of it. I can't believe she would do this to me too. I can't believe either of them would do this to me. But they both did.

I knew they had something going on. But I thought that now that Matt and I were dating, that whatever was going on between them stopped. I guess it didn't.

My phone keeps going off but I ignore it. It's probably the two of them, trying to explain themselves. I really don't want to hear it right now though. I'll eventually want an explanation, but it's just too soon. I need more time to cry my eyes out and think this whole thing over.


When Matt left my house, he seemed pretty pissed. I just wanted to piss March off, not Matt. I hope he'll forgive me so we can be together, but at least I broke them up.

I'm so glad I don't have to pretend to be that little slut's friend anymore. It was pure torture listening to her run her mouth all the time. It's a miracle I never broke and started cussing her out, telling her to shut the fuck up.

From the beginning I was using her. I never would've talked to her if I hadn't seen her moving in next door to Matt. At first I thought I would be nice to her so I could go over to her house and be closer to matt, maybe even go over to his house.

But that's all we did, was go to his house. It didn't even matter that she lived next to him. She became friends with him inside of school too. so I became friends with her to get to matt.

I only want Matt because he's starting to get pretty popular. Not just in this school, but 'vine famous' as he calls it. And he's in magcon, which people are starting to fangirl over more and more. So it would look really good if I dated him.


When I left Callie's house I went straight to my own house. I thought about going over to March's house, but she probably doesn't want anything to do with me right now.

I walk through my front door and slam it shut. My parents were both still at work so I don't hide my emotions walking in. I walk into my room and sit on my bed with my head in my hands.

Why did Callie have to do that so suddenly? and why did she wait until then to do it? it seemed like it was almost planned. Like she meant to break us up. But why would she do that?

Wait. I know why. She basically just admitted to me that she has feelings for me. Is she jealous? but why would she do that if she knew it would hurt her friend? None of this makes any sense.

I decide that since March probably doesn't want to see me I'll text her. I send her a bunch of messages, but they're all marked as unread. I finally put my phone down and leave her alone. I lay down on my bed with my head under my pillow. Why did this have to happen? And why now? I just got her, and now Callie has to get in the way.


Once I've cried for a miserably long amount of time I finally check my phone. I have 37 messages. I expect them to be from both matt and Callie, but I'm wrong. I open the message app and find out that they're all from Matt.

Callie didn't say anything. She didn't even try to explain herself. At least Matt cared enough to try. Most of his messages were along the lines of 'it's not what it looks like' or, 'I'm so sorry' or, my favorite 'it wasn't my fault, just give me a chance to explain'

Like come on, how is it not your fault. But I figure I am going to want that explanation sooner or later, so I text him saying, 'what is there to explain?'


When my phone went off, indicating that I got a message I jumped up out of my bed so fast. I pretty much dove for my phone. I unlock it and am hoping so much that it's from March. I open the message app. It is from her. I open the message and read it. She put 'what is there to explain?'

I guess i could've gotten a worse response. At least she's letting me explain. I say back, 'look I'm so sorry, but please don't blame me. Callie kissed me, I didn't want any part of that. I guess she has a thing for me but I promise I won't let it get in the way.'

Her reply is almost instant. 'Well it already got in the way.'

Ouch. I guess I had that coming. I say, 'please don't blame me for this. I promise I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you.'

Her reply is, 'well you already did hurt me. Is it true though? what you said about Callie kissing you?'

'Yes. I don't know what got into her.'

'Well I'm going over to her house to ask her about it.'

I don't reply because she's probably already on her way over there. But then a thought occurred to me. What if Callie lies about it? what if she tries to say that I kissed her first? if she does I'm screwed.


I walked straight over to Callie's house. I knocked on her door and a few seconds later she answered. At first she looked surprised, but then she seemed worried.

"Oh there you are! I'm so sorry! come on in, let me explain everything." She says.

I walk in without saying anything back.

"You poor thing. did Matt tell you what happened? the truth about it, I mean?"

"Um. I think so." I say back to her.

"Well what'd he say?"

"Umm.. that you just kissed him out of nowhere."

She sighs. "I knew he wouldn't tell you the truth."

"That's not what happened?" I ask.

"No.. not at all! I would never do that to you! it was the other way around completely. He kissed me. I'm so sorry. After you guys just started dating... I'm just as shocked as you are."

I'm completely speechless. Which one of them is telling the truth?

"Look, if you don't believe me, that's fine, but don't blame me when he goes and breaks you're heart again." she says.

I just nod and get up. I walk out of her house and back to mine. I honestly have no clue who to believe. But either way, one if them has betrayed me. I don't know which one I'd prefer to have betrayed me though. At least it's not both of them.


I was going to stop playing friends with that little bitch, but then I realized if she believed me instead of Matt, it would work better to split them up. If I stopped being nice to her, she would know it was me who kissed him, but now she's not so sure who to believe. I hope I convinced her to believe me.

The only problem now is she'll probably go and tell matt and he'll be mad at me and I'll never get to be with him. But it's turned into more than just wanting matt. I really don't even want him anymore. I just want to break up him and any other girl he dates.

***okay so I'm sorry if it's bad, but I did most of it at 4 am because I couldn't sleep. Thanks for reading and voting!***

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