Chapter 45

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She rolls her eyes and says, "don't fucking try me. if you tell matt about any of this, you'll be sorry. I'll make sure of it."

And with that she walks away before I can respond.


Matt walks over after that and says "was that Kat?"


"What'd she say?"

"Oh nothing.. just to stay the fuck away from you or else" I say nonchalantly.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah." I say and stand up. "Well I'm going for a swim."

I go into the water and am joined by matt shortly after.

"I wonder what that was about." He says.

"She's just a crazed fan who thinks you're soul mates. Nothing to worry about."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious.." Matt says.

"I'm being serious. It's nothing to worry about." I say and splash him in the face.

"Heyy!" He says and splashes me right back.

And with that we get in a completely mature splash war that continues for a good 20 minutes.

When we finally decide to leave, I see Kat staring at us on the other side of the beach.


I don't tell anyone though and just keep walking. We stop for ice cream on the way at a cute little shop on the corner. Once we order, we keep walking and once we're finished we're back at the hotel.

I go up to our room to shower the saltwater out of my hair while matt goes into Nash's room to hang with the guys. The whole time I'm thinking about what Kat said to me. Why? Why am I thinking about this? There's nothing to worry about, she's a twig. Harmless.

I finally get out and change into some grey joggers and a graphic tee from aero postale. Then I get on Netflix and binge watch pretty little liars some more.

After about the 6th episode matt comes in and asks if I want to go to dinner with everyone, but I say no because I'm not really feeling up to it.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm just not that hungry." I say.

"Do you want me to stay here with you?" he offers. "We can order something from room service if you get hungry."

"No, it's okay." I insist. "Go hang out with everyone, I'll be okay. I'm just watching pretty little liars anyway."

He laughs a little. "Okay" he says and kisses me on the cheek before he leaves.

About half an hour later I start to feel closed in and decide to go outside for some air.

It's pretty dark outside, but I don't care. I won't be out long.

I'm walking down the sidewalk and a dark car starts to slow down beside me. There's no one around and I panic a little. I start to walk faster, and I can hear the car following me, so I start to run.

Maybe I'm making a fool of myself. It's probably just someone asking for directions.

Or maybe it's a rapist.

Oh god.

It stops beside me and I feel hands on my shoulder and a bag is thrown over my head. I'm shoved into the car and then I can feel it speed off.

It's definitely not someone asking for directions. Wow good job, I just got myself kidnapped.


It's been forever wow sorry guys.

A lot happened this chapter lol but tbh I'm just not really feeling this story anymore, and I'm just trying to finish it. I feel like this story was just so unplanned. I really wish I could change a lot of it, but it's helped me get better at writing, and I can't wait to write more stories:)

And I might have a jacob story saved in my drafts already🙊😏

So stay tuned for that one because I'm planning this one so much better, I'm getting the plot all figured out and if you like jacob I really think you'll like this one:)

But I'm trying not to focus on that one too much right now. Once this one's over, then I will because you deserve a good ending for this one.

So thanks if you still read this:)

ily all<3

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