Chapter 32

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I wake up amazingly not to the sound of my alarm.


I'm so excited, yet I feel like being so lazy. Maybe tomorrow I'll do some shopping or something. Today is just gonna be a lazy day.

I grab my phone and unlock it. Wow, it's already 1 in the afternoon.

I get on twitter and see that matt tweeted 'I want you'. Not directed at me or anything, and then I remember everything that happened last night.

Then all of a sudden, I felt like shit. I wanted to do nothing, just lay in bed all day and be lazy. Oh wait, that was my original plan anyway.

I check my messages and open one from Lexie, sent two minutes ago. 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah I'm fine' I reply with, completely lying.

"Ya lying" I say in matts voice in my head. Oh god. I'm such a weirdo.

I sigh. I miss matt so much, but I'm just not ready to talk to him yet, even though I know I promised him I would.

Lexie texts back with 'okay.. well do ya wanna go to Starbucks or something?'

I smile. Of course I want to go to Starbucks!

Ugh, but now I'll have to get ready.

I slowly drag myself out of bed and take a shower. I stand under the hot water for a good 10 minutes until I remember I have to actually wash up.

After about 10 more minutes I get out and wrap myself in a warm towel. I go to my dresser and find a black crop top. I pair it with some light washed high waisted shorts that are slightly distressed.

I don't feel like doing my hair so I put it in a quick messy bun. I wasn't going to do my make up but then I saw my face and almost puked a little in my mouth.

God I look like death.

I use more make up than usual. I put on some foundation right under my eyes and some light eyeshadow in the corners of my eyes closest to my nose to brighten them up. I put on eyeliner, mascara, and some bronzer because I look really pale.

Then I put on some cherry baby lips and put on my black vans. I look in the mirror one last time and I don't look too bad I guess.

I grab my phone and purse and go downstairs. I have a text from Lexie saying she'll be here in about 5 minutes. I also see something interesting. 18 missed calls.

From matt, at like 8 in the morning.

Yeah, like I'd get up that early.

I roll my eyes. I guess I did agree to talk to him in the morning, but I really don't feel like it right now.

I hear a car horn and jump. I see Lexie in her car out the window and run out the door.

I get in and she drives off.

I'm so lost in my thoughts, I don't even realize we're there until Lexie says, "um.. are you coming?"

I snap my head up and say, "oh! yeah sorry."

She laughs a little and then we walk in. Lexie says, "why don't I order and you go sit down?"

I nod and find a place to sit. I'm scrolling through my phone when I hear someone start singing stay with me.

What the fuck?

Who would just start singing in Starbucks?

I look up and see Matt, holding a bunch of flowers, making eye contact with me, slowly walking in my direction.

Of course. Matt would start singing in Starbucks.

He's a few feet away and I start blushing. Oh my god.

Ugh his voice is so hot though.

He's so sweet. I can't believe he's really going through all this trouble for me.

Mixed emotions... ugh.

He gets to the last "stay with meee" and hands me the flowers. Everyone around us starts clapping.

Everyone's staring at us. "I'm so sorry, I messed up big time. But will you please stay with me? I love you." Matt says to me.

Everyone "awws" and I am honestly speechless.

I didn't even notice I started tearing up, until one spills out of my eyes and matt wipes it away with his thumb.

I smile at him and nod my head, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugs me back, tight and asks, "so is that a yes?"

I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Yes" I say. I can't stay mad at him.

He's too sweet.

No one has ever gone through this much trouble for me.

Who knew Starbucks would be the most romantic place ever?

Lexie comes over with our drinks with a huge smile on her face.

"Heyyyyy!" she squeals.

I laugh. "Heyyy. Wait.. did you have anything to do with this?" I ask.

She smiles and says, "well, the whole thing was Matt's idea, he called me this morning around 9, waking me up I might add." She glares at matt when she says that. "Buuut, once he told me the plan I got all excited. He basically told me to take you somewhere, and of course, I chose Starbucks. Then he said he'd meet us there with all this." she smiles proudly.


She whispers to me, "I think you've got yourself a keeper." And I smile.

Because she's right. I do have myself a keeper.


Things I am freaking out about in my head:

• 8K reads!
• over 400 votes!
• how awesome you people are!

Ohhhh mehhhhh godddddd

And I couldn't have those two be mad at each other for long, I just couldn't stand it lol

Haha sooooo they still need a ship name though...


I really regret making her name be March because ship names are so hard and I don't even like that name anymore soooo yeah.

kk sooo that's it. Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments!

I love you awesome people.

Psst. If you're reading this, you're super cool btw 😎

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