Chapter 29

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***Quick A/N***

This is the first day of my update schedule! I'm updating every Monday and Thursday. I might change it if it doesn't work well for me so I'm just trying these days for now.


You'll understand soon lol.


What is happening? Why is this happening? why is this happening to me?

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't wish my current situation on anyone, not even Callie. But why me? I'm not pretty. I'm not 'hot'. I'm not special. I'm just me.

Oh yeah, you probably want to know what's happening to me right now...

So this is what happened earlier:


I pecked Matt's lips and walked off with Lexie. We pretty much just talked to each other and some of our other friends in the living room. It was fun though, catching up with everyone. All I've been doing is spending time with matt ever since I found out I was moving, which is fun, but I need some girl time, too.

Everything is going fine. Great actually, until he shows up.

A guy a little older than us walks up to us and says, "hi, I'm Ty. I'm also good in bed." With a wink at the end.

I take it as a joke and we all laugh it off. He hangs out with us for a while and he's actually pretty funny. But Matt's funnier. Just sayin.

After a while another guy joins us. He introduces himself as Luke. Him and Lexie seem to be getting along pretty well. If ya know what I mean...

*wiggles eyebrows like a weirdo*

Ty says something about it being too crowded and suggests we go upstairs because there aren't many people up there. We all agree and head up the stairs.

Ty was right, there aren't many people up here at all. There's no one, actually.

We all sit along the hall, talking and having a good time. I kept feeling Ty's eyes on me though.

Creeper alert.

Other than that, everything is going great until our friend Sarah says she's going to go find her boyfriend.

But what's so bad about that you may ask?

Well, after she left, one by one everyone else began to leave. All for different reasons. Then it was just me, Lexie, our friends Skylar and Tori, Ty, and Luke.

"Wellll.. I think I'm gonna go home now..." Skylar says.

"Whyyyyyyy you loser" I joke.

She sticks her tongue out at me and Tori says, "yeah.. I think I'm gonna go too."

"What?! you too? gosh, you people." I say.

"Sorry, I'm tiredddddd." Tori complained.

"Wow. Obviously you aren't a whitesider." I say. "Because if you were, you wouldn't be complaining about being tired at 2 am. Whitesiders get no sleep."

"Oh my gawd! how many times do I have to say it?! I'm not into all those guys so just give it up!"

I gasp. "Well sorry but I don't think we can be friends anymore" I say, trying to keep a straight face but failing.

We both started laughing.

"Okay, okay" I try to calm myself. "At least you like O2L... so I guess we can still be friends."

My Neighbor Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now