Chapter 43

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^^^matt and Kat

-Matt's POV-

The meet and greet is going great, I'm meeting so many fans and it just makes me so happy. It's almost over when a girl approaches me who was next in line.

"Hi!" She squeals excitedly and hugs me very tightly.

"Hi" I say, trying to breathe but it's hard.

Wow, she doesn't look as strong as she really is.

"I'm Kat!" She says. "Out names rhyme, isn't that cute?!"

I laugh and say, "yeah but not as cute as you, gorgeous" and she squeals again.

"Can I get a picture?" She asks.

"Of course" I reply and she hands her phone to I'm guessing her friend, so she can take the picture.

We take the picture and she moves on to another line. I notice it's to meet March this time.

-March's POV-

The meet and greet line gets down to the last few people and then it's time for the stage event. This is so fun, I had no idea how many fans I had!

The next girl in line steps forward and says, "Hi, I'm Kat!"

"Hi Kat!" I say. "Nice to meet you!"

She smiles and asks for a picture and then moves on.

I'm not sure what it is, but she just seemed like she didn't really want to meet me, but that's weird because she didn't have to come to my line. Maybe I'm just imagining it.

The meet and greet is over and the guys do their thing on stage while I just kinda stay with mahogany at her table.

A few days ago Matt talked me into singing a song for the fans, so I did.

Once the stage event was over we went to our hotel rooms and we were all in Nash's room when we hear a knock on the door.

Matt gets up to answer it and I hear cameron murmur "who's that"

Matt looks surprised.

"Hey! I'm Kat, I met you earlier, remember?"

"How'd she know what room we were in..?" I hear jack j whisper.

Matt lets her in and she just hangs around the rest of the night. Kinda weird, but it's nice that Matt's doing this for a fan.

I'm guessing Matt's her fave, because she's been all over him. Sitting really close, really close, and talking to him.

I don't really mind it until she starts leaning her head on his shoulder. Bitch, he ain't yours.

I calm myself and just tell myself that he's doing this for a fan, to make her happy and he's just going along with it. He's making her happy, and I didn't mind him meeting all those girls at the meet and greet earlier, hugging and kissing him on the cheek, so why am I making a big deal about it now?

She finally leaves around 3 am and matt and I go to our room.


~Next day~

We didn't have any events today, so it's a free day.

Matt and I decide to go to the beach and ask the others if they wanna come.

"Uhh okay.. so cameron can't come because he's gonna hang with some girl he met yesterday after the event." Matt say as he's reading texts off his phone.

"Oooo" I say. "Who is she?"

"Hang on let me check.. okay... her name is.."


You'll find out who the next girlfriend is in the next chapter :P

And this'll probably be the last update before winter break because I'm really busy with finals n shit:/

It's been too long, I can't wait till winter break so I can update more:))

So yeah, thanks for 2K VOTES!!!

Love you all,


Yes, that's my name:/

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Good luck on finals, don't die! I don't want any of my readers to die:(

Lol bye now<3

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