Chapter 24

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For the rest of the night at his house we talked about how I could convince my mom to let me live with matt for the summer.

We couldn't really think of anything big, so I'm just going to use a bunch of small reasons why she should let me live with him. I really hope this works. If it doesn't then I'm screwed. My happiness is screwed. Matt is my sunshine, as cheesy as it sounds. He is the reason I'm happy. He is the reason why I smile.

Matt walks me to my house sometime around 7. Yeah, he walks with me now. We're just trying to spend as much time together as possible, even if it's just 2 minutes of walking together.

I eat dinner and then go find my mom. I see her in the living room and I walk in and sit on the couch next to her.

She was watching Days of our Lives.

Of course.

She looks over at me and smiles. "Hi sweetie! Are you excited for your last day of school tomorrow? It's finally summer!" She says.

I sigh. "I guess" I say sadly.

I'm so evil. I'm trying to guilt her into agreeing to let me stay with matt this summer. I'm acting all depressed, even though I'm actually sad about it. I'm really good at holding my emotions in and hiding them from her. Sometimes I think I'm too good at it and it scares me.

She pauses the tv and looks at me and says, "Look, I'm sorry about moving again. And we just got here, I know, and I'm really sorry to do this to you. I know you've made lots of friends here and I'm sorry to see you leave them, but I know you'll make lots of friends at your new school too. So don't you worry about that."

"But this is my new school. Mom, I'm not worried about making friends. I'm just really sad to be leaving them... Especially matt." I say and look down at my hands in my lap.


For the rest of the night at his house we talked about how I could convince my mom to let me live with matt for the summer.

We couldn't really think of anything big, so I'm just going to use a bunch of small reasons why she should let me live with him. I really hope this works. If it doesn't then I'm screwed. My happiness is screwed. Matt is my sunshine, as cheesy as it sounds. He is the reason I'm happy. He is the reason why I smile.

Matt walks me to my house sometime around 7. Yeah, he walks with me now. We're just trying to spend as much time together as possible, even if it's just 2 minutes of walking together.

I eat dinner and then go find my mom. I see her in the living room and I walk in and sit on the couch next to her.

She was watching Days of our Lives.

Of course.

She looks over at me and smiles. "Hi sweetie! Are you excited for your last day of school tomorrow? It's finally summer!" She says.

I sigh. "I guess" I say sadly.

I'm so evil. I'm trying to guilt her into agreeing to let me stay with matt this summer. I'm acting all depressed, even though I'm actually sad about it. I'm really good at holding my emotions in and hiding them from her. Sometimes I think I'm too good at it and it scares me.

She pauses the tv and looks at me and says, "Look, I'm sorry about moving again. And we just got here, I know, and I'm really sorry to do this to you. I know you've made lots of friends here and I'm sorry to see you leave them, but I know you'll make lots of friends at your new school too. So don't you worry about that."

"But this is my new school. Mom, I'm not worried about making friends. I'm just really sad to be leaving them... Especially matt." I say and look down at my hands in my lap.

She sighs and says, "I'm sorry. I know this is one of your first relationships, but that's just it. One of your first relationships. Keyword: first. They don't last, even though you feel like they will."

"I know that, but mom, I'm not ready for it to end just yet." I say. I really don't believe her. I know it'll last. I'm not ready for this relationship to be over ever. I'm so happy with matt.

"Well honey, I wish there was something I could do... But we're moving, and I can't change the fact that we can't afford this house. Is there anything else I can do so you will just be happy?" She asks.

"Well... Matt and I are getting pretty serious." I say this next part under my breath. "If it's possible to be serious with a guy like him." He can be serious at times, but usually he's his crazy, hilarious self. "And we were talking about maybe.. Me staying at his house for the summer..."

She looks shocked. "Honey, you know I want to help you. I just want to see you happy. But living together? That's a big step, don't you think?"

"No, actually were going to be moving out soon and living on our own. So don't you think it's good practice for that? His parents will be there sometimes, he says they're taking a long vacation sometime though. And when they are there they can make sure we're okay." I say.

She sighs. "Well... I guess it would be good to be living on your own for a while.. And you'll be happy." She says and a smile creeps up on my face. "But if I say yes you can't tell your father. He'll be mad and claim I'm the bad parent."

I hug her and say, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome" she says and smiles at me.


I'm currently in my bed and I can't sleep because I'm so excited for this summer. I can't wait to tell matt! I'm waiting to tell him in person. The first thing I'm going to do when I see him is tell him.

I didn't even have to use my other reasons to convince her! I had some other pretty good reasons but I guess I didn't need them.

I eventually drift off into a peaceful sleep with a smile on my face.

***I UPDATED AGAIN BEFORE I GET CUT OFF COMPLETELY!! Sorry I'm just happy I got the chance to update again! During part of the 12 hour car ride it takes for me to get to Galveston, I wrote a little in my notes and then we went to dinner at a place with wifi so YAASS! Haha then I just copy and pasted it and BOOM! Here it is. But this is seriously the last time I'll be able to update for at least a week. Lol I keep telling you so you won't think I like died or something. Sooo goodbye!

I wonder how many votes I'll come back to... Lol you guys are the best and I'm getting closer and closer to 100 votes! So thanks to everyone who has voted and commented nice things! THANKS SOO MUCH FOR READING!!!***

Lol comment if you've heard Shawn's first single, Life of the Party, because I have it and it's amazing! I'm so proud of that guy...

Lol. I keep saying lol.

Ok now it's really the end lol.

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