Chapter 7

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There were people everywhere. Loud music was playing and people were dancing everywhere. Matt grabs my hand and pulls me over to a group of guys. Yep, that's right. He held my hand. He introduces me and they all say hi and I say hi back. Then he walks me into the kitchen. He grabs two drinks and hands me one. We start drinking and dancing to the music. I have to admit I'm having a pretty good time.

After we've both had a few drinks, matt pulls my face really close to his and says, "I like you a lot."

I smile and say, "I like you too."

Then he leans in and kisses me. On the lips this time. After a few seconds he pulls away and says "woah."

I laugh and kiss him again. This time it lasts a few minutes. People everywhere are making out though, so it's not weird or anything. One of matt's friends comes up and says, "way to go matt!" and laughs. matt pulls away and says,"shut up" to the guy and he just laughs and walks away. Matt looks at me and says, "sorry."

I laugh and say, "it's okay! you can't control your friends. I know if my friend Anna were here she'd say something along those lines too..."

Matt laughs and says, "come on. we need to find a room to stay in. I'm pretty sure there isn't a single person in this house that's not drunk."

He pulls me with him and we find a room on the second floor. There's one bed and my heart leaps out of my chest. Is he planning on us sleeping together? I mean, I don't mind it...

As if reading my mind, matt says, "I hope you don't mind sharing a bed... but I can sleep on the floor if-"

I cut him off, giggling as I say "It's okay."

He smiles and says, "okay. Do you want to go to bed now or wait a little longer?"

It's a little after 3 in the morning now. I'm surprised time went by that fast. I suddenly realize how tired I am and say, "now.. if you don't mind..."

"Not at all" he says. "I'm getting pretty tired too."

I slip off my shoes and lay down in bed in my dress, since I didn't think to bring extra clothes. Matt didn't either and he slips off his shoes. He starts to take off his khakis, jacket, and shirt. I can't blame him, I mean it would be pretty uncomfortable to sleep in that. He's left in his boxers and lays down next to me. You can still hear the music a little, but it's not that bad with the door shut. Also, almost everyone else is down stairs, so that helps too.

Matt wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my head. "Night." he says.

"Night." I say back. I fall asleep pretty fast in his strong, warm arms.


I'm at the party and am looking around for matt. I've been looking for him for a while now, and I'm about to give up. Maybe he decided not to come. Maybe something else came up. Then I see him. He's making out with that little slut. I can't believe she actually thinks I like her. I would never be friends with such a self centered bitch like her. She just wants matt all to herself, and I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen. I don't want them to see me though, that would just be embarrassing for me. I leave the party after that and drive home. I only had one drink, so I should be okay. The whole way home I think of ways to split March and Matt up. I smile to myself when I think of a plan. I can't wait to put this plan to action.

My Neighbor Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now