Chapter 12

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I sit in my room nervously. I don't know what the hell Callie told March, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the truth. I can't even believe I became friends with her. I can't believe I had a crush on her.

I need to forget about her and think about March. What can I do to make her believe me?

I think the whole thing over. Shortly before March came, Chelsea got up to use the bathroom or something. Then I remember Callie getting a text and then getting really close to me. Right after that, she kissed me.

I finally think I put it together. That text had to have been a signal. And the only person who could do the signal had to be Chelsea.

That's it then. I have to get Chelsea to admit it was a set up. But how?


I try to take my mind off of things. I do my homework, eat dinner, and get ready for bed. It's only 9 so I decide to get on all my social media.

I finally get off my phone and put it on the charger. I lay down and try to sleep, but I can't. I feel like I could handle it if it was Callie who betrayed me as a friend. I feel like I saw it coming almost, because of Lexie's warning. I'm still confused on that though.

But I feel like if it's matt who betrayed me, I can't handle it. I've had a crush on him forever, he was my crush and I didn't even know him. I felt like I knew him though, because of all his videos and stuff I've seen him in. I pretty much worshipped him, so if he broke my heart, I definitely couldn't take it.

*next morning*

I wake up and get ready for my day. I put on a random T-shirt and some blue jean shorts. I straighten my hair and do my usual makeup. When I'm done I slip on my red magcon hoodie and red vans and go downstairs to eat breakfast.

I finish up and walk to school. I got done pretty early today on purpose so I wouldn't have to walk with matt and Callie. They're probably going to arrive to school a good 10 minutes after I do.

I go to my locker and get all my things out and talk to some friends in the hall. Then I go to my first class. I'm honestly dreading what this day will hold.


I walk down my driveway and there's no sign of March anywhere. I look in front of me a few houses away and I see Callie. I walk a little slower than usual today because I don't want to get too close to her and have her hear me and then it would just be awkward.

I'm almost late to school and I rush to my first class. I make it right before the bell rings and take a seat. The whole day I think of ways to get Chelsea to tell the truth about her and Callie's little plan.

I have no luck with coming up with a plan to get Chelsea to confess. Finally it's the last class of the day. I walk in and sit by March even with this whole thing going on. She doesn't even look at me.

I notice that she's wearing her magcon hoodie and I get an idea. Maybe Chelsea likes magcon. If she does I can get her favorite guy to follow her on twitter or something.

The bell rings and I walk out to go find Chelsea. I see her standing in front of her locker, getting her stuff out. I walk up to her and get right to the point.

I say, "hey. Do you like magcon?"

She seemed kind of surprised. Then she pulled her phone out if her pocket and showed me the back of it. It was a magcon case with all 9 guys on it.

"Yeah, of course. Why?" She asks.

"Just wondering. Who's your favorite?"

She seems surprised again and doesn't know what to say.

"It's okay." I say. "You won't hurt my feelings if it's not me. Honestly I'm just wondering."

"Okay... umm it's either nash or cam. Or you. And I'm not just saying that." she says.

I laugh and say, "well do any of us follow you on twitter?"

She laughs and says, "no! that's crazy. I never get any follows from popular or famous people!"

I smile and say, "well do you want me to get nash and cam to follow you? I'll follow you too."

"Are you serious?!?!" she says with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah. But you need to give me some information first..."

The smile drops from her face. "What kind of information?" she asks.

I can tell she knows what I'm talking about. "Come with me" I say.

She obeys and follows me through the school. I walk outside and look around. March hasn't walked out yet, which is good.

"When March gets here, you need to tell her what really happened yesterday. Who kissed who. I know it was a set up." I say.

She nods her head and looks at the ground like she's embarrassed. I see March walk out the doors of the school and I walk over to her, followed by Chelsea.

She sees me but keeps walking. I cut her off and stand in front of her. She stands there and crosses her arms.

"Excuse me" she says. "I have to get home"

"March, I know you don't want to listen to me right now, but at least listen to Chelsea."

She has a weird look on her face, probably wondering what Chelsea has anything to do with this.

Chelsea steps forward and tells her everything. By the end, March looks relieved almost.

Why would she be relieved? she just found out that her 'friend' set this whole thing up. Maybe it was because she's glad I didn't cheat on her.

Chelsea looks as if she wants to say more. She's obviously thinking it over. She finally says something very interesting. About how Callie was using her the whole time to get to me.

March's expression goes from surprised to angry.

Then she says, "I should've believed Lexie. I'm so stupid. Lexie warned me about her on what? my second day of school here? something like that."

"March it wasn't your fault. You didn't know. But the important thing is she didn't get in the way of us. She meant to, but look what happened." I say.

She steps towards me and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and then pull away and say, "well we better get going." and with that we start the walk to our houses.

Chelsea walks with us until she has to turn right to get to her house. March and I walk in silence the rest of the way while holding hands. I'm so glad I got her back. I guess we never officially broke up when all that happened, but it was still terrible being away from her for so long. I realize that I never want to lose her, and if I do, I will never forgive myself.

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