Chapter 33

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I'm so relieved March forgave me. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

I'll admit, I made a huge mistake. I wouldn't have blamed her if she never spoke to me again.

I didn't sleep at all last night. After the party I went home and laid in my bed, wide awake thinking about how stupid I am. I texted and called her so many times, and when I finally got a response, I literally fell out of my bed. I completely spazzed out and got a face full of carpet.

But now we're here, at my house, alone, watching a movie on the couch. We're both laying down, my arm around her neck, her head on my chest. It feels so perfect.

I'm so tired, but I want to spend time with her so badly, I can't sleep now. Not after she forgave me.

It's about an hour into the movie when my eyes get really heavy and I slowly close them. Only for a few seconds. Then I remember I can't go to sleep and I open them really fast, and see March looking at me.

"Matt, you look tired. Why don't you go to sleep?" she asks.

I groan. "Nooo. I wanna stay awake. With you"

She smiles.

Oh I love her smile... it's so perfect, just like her.

And her eyes... I get lost in them so easily...

"Matt, did you sleep at all last night?" she asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Um.. yeah.. ish."

She gives me a stern look and cocks her head to the side. "Seriously matt, the movie can wait, go to bed."

"Ugh. Only if you come with me..." I say with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes but stands up anyway. She offers her hand and I take it. She attempts to pull me up, but fails as I plop back down on the couch.

"Ugh seriously matt, come on" she says.

I hold out my other hand and she grabs it and this time I help a little so she can actually pull me up.

She leads me to my room, which is kinda funny because it's my house, but I guess it'll be hers too pretty soon for a while.

I pick her up from behind, bridal style.

She screams. "Matt!"

I laugh and throw her on the bed. She lands with another scream. Then I jump on it, making her fly up a little, of course, she wasn't expecting this so she screams again.

"Damn it matt!" she says laughing.

"What?" I ask, turning to face her. And once again I get lost in her eyes.

We just lay like that, staring into each others eyes, until I start to lean in. I kiss her, and it's a passionate kiss. I've missed her lips so much. I can feel her smiling into the kiss, and I do the same.

Maybe she feels the same way.

Maybe she missed my lips as much as I missed hers.


But I seriously doubt it.

I know she loves me, but I know I love her more. I can't live without this girl. I want to call her mine forever. I want her to be mine, and only mine.

She pulls away and smiles at me.

"Can you promise me something?" I ask.

"Depends..." she says, with a bigger smile.

"Promise me you'll be mine forever." I say.

"I promise" she says.

Then she pecks my lips and lays down. I lay down too and wrap my arms around her. She lays her head on my chest, right above my heart, where she always puts it.

This moment is perfect. I smile, and slowly fall asleep with the girl who is mine and will be mine forever.


10k you guys... I don't know what to say...

Thanks so much! You have no idea... everything you guys do, all of the positive comments you write honestly make my day.

I can't thank you enough for reading my fanfic. Like, people have actually fangirled over me because I followed or dmed them! like whaaaaaa? it's crazy, but it means so much and I honestly love talking to you guys and I want y'all to know I'm here if you need anything.

Comment if...

You like pudding.

Random, ik, but I'm eating pudding rn and it's good so yeah.

Andddddd also, there are waaay too many people who wanna be a girlfriend in this story, so I have to pick someway to chose you fairly. But the problem is, idk how. Like, Ik some people have done one with whoever makes the best cover for the story, and I guess that could work, but if you have any other ideas for a little contest thingy for this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!

I think I have all the descriptions, but now I just have to figure out who's actually gonna be in it since way more people did this than I thought. So, sorry if you don't end up being in it!

Anywaayyyyy, I love you lots! yep you, reading this, because you're cool and awesome and we're all in this fandom together.

Oh yeah, and comment if you bought Shawn's EP and if you did, what your favorite song is. SO PROUD OF HIM!

Bye my lovely people<3

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