Chapter 19

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I wake up and look at the beautiful girl in my arms. She's still asleep and she looks so peaceful and happy. Way different than the March I saw when I facetimed her. She was all stressed and angry and sad and upset. But sleep gives you a vacation from everything for a while.

That's why I sleep so much. It's weird being awake before her for once. I remember when she took a picture of us when I was sleeping and grab my phone off my night stand. I go to the camera app and point it towards us. I stick my tongue out and point at March, who was still sleeping. I look at it and smile.

I look ridiculous but March looks amazing. She looks so peaceful and relaxed and just plain beautiful.

I post it on Instagram and tag her in it. I write 'aww my beautiful angel is sleeping' in the caption.

Her phone goes off, which was right by her on the bed. She groans and picks it up. She unlocks it and looks at the screen. Then smiles and looks at me.

"Matt you butt" she says while attempting to shove me off the bed.

"What? your really cute when your asleep" I say and she blushes slightly. Then I say, "now though..." with a grossed out expression on my face. She gasps and succeeds at shoving me off the bed this time.

I laugh and get up. "I'm just kidding babe! You know I know you're the absolute, hands down, most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

She raises her eyebrows at me. "what about Ariana Grande?" She asks. "That's right, I know about your obsession. It's unhealthy."

"Hey, first of all, it is very healthy." I say. "Second of all, yes. You're even prettier than her. I'm serious babe."

"Ya lying." She says.

"No I'm not! you're beautiful. I can't believe you don't know." I say.

She blushes and smiles slightly. I wasn't lying when I said she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She really is. And she's all mine.


Matt is so sweet. He kept saying how beautiful he thinks I am. I really don't think so though. Just like any other normal teenage girl, I gotta hate on my body and the way I look.

I hate my hair. It's wavy and I wish it was straight.

I hate my eyes. Brown isn't the best color choice for me.

I hate how I have freckles on my face. But matt thinks everything is pretty about me.

I have to admit it's sweet. But my ex was also 'sweet'. He told me all these things too. That's probably why I have trust issues now.

But I try to forget about what happened in the past and focus on my amazingly sweet boyfriend.

We finally get out of bed around 11 and get ready. I shower and put on the clothes I brought. A blue netted crop top over a black tank top with dark blue high waisted shorts.

When I'm done I walk out if the bathroom an into Matt's room. He wasn't in there.

I go see if he's in the kitchen and he's not there either. So I start to call his name.

"Matt where are you?!" I yell.

No response. That's weird. I walk around the house some more.

I go in every room in this house and can't find him anywhere.

Where could he be?

I'm walking in a hallway when I feel hands on my waist and I jumped up while screaming. Loud.

I turn around to find matt laying on the floor. Laughing. Hard.

He finally pulls himself together and stands up and says, "you should've seen how high you jumped! and damn! you hurt my ears when you screamed! I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear!" by the end he's laughing again.

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. He notices and stops.

"Where the hell were you at that whole time?" I ask.

"I was in the living room, but then I heard you coming so I decided to hide behind the couch. I can't believe you didn't look there!" he answers.

"You scared the shit out of me! I thought someone like broke in and killed you or something!" I say, which makes him laugh again.

"Remind me again why I'm dating you" I say.

"Because you wuv me" he says and poses like a dinosaur.

I'll admit, I think it's cute when he does that. I don't like him for his looks like some people. I mean, his looks are nice, but it's just a bonus. I like him for his personality. His hilarious and sweet personality.

I do 'wuv' him.

***its short but an updates an update I guess. I always update at like four in the morning haha. Anyway, this just hit 500 reads! I know that's not a lot compared to some stories, but it's a lot more than what I thought I was gonna get! I thought it was going to be one of those stories with like 20 reads or something. So thanks sooooo much! it really means a lot! if you enjoyed don't forget to VOTE! sank u so mach!***

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