Chapter 30

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I think I see him... I rush over to where he is but stop when I'm about halfway there.

Oh he's there alright.

Just not alone.

He's with another girl.

And I'm surprised they haven't swallowed each other yet.

What the hell? How could he do this to me? What'd I ever do to him?


I stand there, frozen, just staring at him. With her. He's so oblivious to his surroundings, it's no use waiting for him to notice me.

Wait, do I want him to notice me? should I just go home?

Tears start forming in my eyes and I'm about to turn around and leave, when I realize something.

Why should I leave? why should I be ashamed? why should I go home and cry into my pillow? why should I be miserable?

I'm not leaving here without some answers.

I walk over to him with a hand on my hip.

Werk it.

I stand right in front of them for a while and they still haven't noticed.

"What the fuck?" I suddenly say.

They both look at me, startled.

Matt looks kinda scared at first, but quickly covers it like he's not even effected by the fact that I just saw him making out with some slut. The girl just looks lost.

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt?" I ask coldly.

"Yes" matt says.

What the hell is wrong with him?! Why is he acting like this?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell.

"I could ask you the same" he says simply.

How is he not effected by this?!

"Do you want me to slap some sense into you? because you've obviously been drinking way too much if you seriously aren't effected by any of this." I say.

"Apparently you've been drinking too much too because I never thought I would see what I did."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

He takes a step closer to me and says, "Really? you don't know? how many guys did you sleep with tonight, huh?"

What? wait, let me rephrase that.


"What? Are you kidding me? none. Why would you even think that?"

"Because I saw you! I saw you upstairs in that bedroom with some guy! Don't even say you didn't because-"

I cut him off. "Seriously Matt?! you saw and didn't help me?! you didn't look close enough to realize what was happening to me?"

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"Some guy dragged me into that room and did that to me! he could've raped me and you didn't help!"

"Oh yeah right" he spat out, looking at me with disgust.

What I did next surprised me.

Without thinking, I slapped him right across the face, making his head go to the right.

He's surprised too, he just stands there and blinks it off.

Maybe that knocked some sense into him.

"What the hell?" he finally asks.

"You deserved that! you won't even listen to me! I was upstairs being assaulted by some guy while you were down here making out with some random girl instead of helping me!" I have tears running down my face by now.

I see his face soften, as if believing me.

"March, I'm so so-" I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear your apologies Matthew."

I start to walk away when he grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

I expected some long ass apology, so I was very surprised about what he did next.

He grabbed my shoulders and kissed me.

Oh how I wanted to just forgive him and kiss him back.

I almost did, but I couldn't. I just couldn't let him off that easily.

His lips were on mine for about 20 seconds when finally I got out of his grip.

He was staring at me, looking to see if I forgave him.

I gave my head a slight shake and ran to go find Lexie, pushing my way through everyone.

I open the door to the backyard and there are about 50 people out there. I search around frantically for Lexie. If I couldn't have Matt comfort me then I at least want Lexie, even though only Matt can make me forget about things like this when I'm in his company. But I still want to talk about it with Lexie.

I find her sitting on the ground leaning against a tree, crying.

What happened? where's Luke?

I rush over to her and sit down.

"What happened?! are you okay?" I ask.

"N-no." she says in between sobs.

"What happened? where's Luke?"

"H-he tried to- I don't know!" she says, "I don't know what his plan was."

Once she calms down I ask her again. "What'd he do to you..?"







And it's almost up to 300 votes so DAYUM!

Aaannnnnddddd it's over 100 comments!!!

Okay okay I'm mostly calm now.

Thanks SOOO much for reading! hope you enjoyed!

Comment if...

You like Brent Rivera

Why would I ask that? because I'm thinking of putting him in the story too so another person can have him as a bf. so if you picked three of the guys already and told me and you wanna change one to Brent just dm me!

Lol just tryna fit as many people who wanna be in this story as possible.

So thanks again for 5K!!! love you people! <3

Btw I wrote this when it had 5k and I just saw it had 6k wut?!

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