Chapter 26

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I walk through the door in my house and go to my room. The party starts at 10 so I have a long time till I have to get ready for it.

So I do what I always do when I'm bored.

Social media.

I get on twitter and scroll through my notifications. I have a lot more now than I used to. I guess everyone just wants to follow Matt Espinosa's girlfriend.

Except the haters.

Lately I've been getting a lot of hate from his fans.

You know, the jealous ones. The ones who want matt all to themselves.

They say stuff like:

Why the hell would matt date you? dumb whore.

You're so ugly. I don't know what matt sees in you.

It should be me. Go kill yourself.

If you died everyone would be happier. Dumb bitch.

Go kill yourself or I will.

The ones about death and death threats really bug me. Like hello? WHY YA GOTTA BE SO RUUUDE? DONT YA KNOW IM HUMAN TOOOO?

Seriously people...

But some are nice things like:

You and matt are perfect for each other<3

You're so lucky! I'm happy for you two! #CutestCoupleEver

Aww the m&m couple! Matt and March forever<3

Just change your user name to March Espinosa already! we all know it's gonna happen sooner or later! JUST GET MARRIED!

March+Matt together= LIFE! gotta love them m&ms!

So were m&ms now? okay...

Some people are so sweet! Tweeting the cutest, most supportive stuff.

But then again there are the rude jealous people who give out death threats like it's nothing.

I wish I could just stay focused on the positives, but it's hard. I can't when there's so much more hate than support.

I don't know if matt sees them, but I hope he doesn't. I don't want him worried that it's hurting me.

I have a feeling he knows though. He's always saying that if I get any hate, just tell him and he'll do something about it.

But what could he do? tell them to stop? would they actually listen to him?

Well if they're a true fan they would. But so many people don't even care. They just want their idol all to themselves.

I know if he did tell them, some people still won't listen, but it would sure help. I don't know what my problem is. I want help, but I don't want to ask for it. I just hate asking people to do things for me.

I scroll down my timeline and see that matt tweeted.

I turned off his notifications because I'm dating him now so it'd be kinda weird... having my boyfriend's notifications on... I'd seem like an overly attached girlfriend.

The tweet says:

Please stop hating on my girlfriend. no one should get that much hate, especially from people just jealous of her. I really like her, so please respect that.

Aww! He's so sweet!

I retweet and favorite it and decide to go on vine for a while.

I'm smiling the whole time, and it's not all because of the funny vines.

It's mostly from Matt.

Oh how he makes me smile...

***i feel like I've updated a lot today... even though this is only the 2nd real update of the story. Lol I'm gonna try and keep this as short as possible, but...

It's gonna be hard...

Yeah this totes isn't happening! lol it's gonna be long af so I apologize in advance!!






Ok I'm alright now. Just SUPER excited!!!!

Thanks soooo much for all the reads, votes, and comments!!!

And SO many more people tweeted me on twitter than I expected! seriously that took me by surprise! lol so rn I'm trying to figure it all out and stuff, sorting all the people and different guys they chose, trying to make it so as many people as possible get to be in it.

And I'm SO sorry if you're not in it!!! I'm putting as many people in it as possible!!!

Anyway, love you ALL and...

Comment if...

ANY of the guys follow you on any social media. For me, it's a big fat no for everything. But some people are lucky...







The title is...

I just haven't met you yet!



It's not too well known YET but it NEEDS to be!!!!

It's really good and it means A LOT! so go read her fanfic!!!

And don't forget to spam her with votes!!!!!

Kk that's it now... so bye foreal this time!!!***

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