Chapter 17

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I don't know how, but I finally fell asleep last night. Now it's almost 11 am. I decide to go downstairs to eat breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen and pour some cereal in a bowl along with some milk. I go into the dining room and sit down. My mom was there too. My dad wasn't. Big shocker.

Then my dad walks in with a bag in his hand. Why does he have a bag? is he moving out already?

He sees me and comes to sit down at the table. My mom says, "well I guess we should explain the rest to you, since you didn't give us a chance to last night.."

"Yeah. Sorry about that..." I say.

"No honey, it's not your fault. I can't imagine how you must've felt." She says back.

Then they basically say how they've been planning for my dad to move out for a while now and that they're getting a divorce and blah blah blah.

"So when are you leaving?" I ask. "Now?"

"Yeah... I almost have everything in my car. I have two more bags to take out." he answers. "Sorry.."

Then he walks out the door to finish putting things in his car. Wow. I didn't know he was leaving so soon.

I finish my cereal and put the bowl in the sink. Then I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. I just sit there silently until my dad walks in and says, "well.. I'm done.. good bye" and spreads his arms out for a hug.

I walk over and hug him. Then he leaves without saying anything to my mom.

This is going to be weird. Only having one parent in the house. Oh well, I guess I'll adjust.

But since my dad's gone... maybe I can hang out with matt today.

I look around the house for my mom. I find her in her room on her computer. She looks up at me and says, "has your dad left yet?"

I nod my head yes and say, "can I go to matts house today?"


I smile and say thanks. Then I go to my room and grab my phone.

I text matt saying 'hey:) r u doing anything today?'

He replies with 'Nope'

I say 'well my dad just left and my mom said I can finally leave the house'

'Awesome! wait. I mean.. sorry. About your dad leaving. Awesome about u leaving the house! do u wanna come over?' Was his response.

I smile and think only matt. I reply with 'sure:) what time?'

'Anytime's fine with me'

'Ok. I'll text u before I leave'


Then I go get in the shower. Do you ever just lay down in the shower? because I do. Or I did today anyway.

I slip on my jack and jack shirt and some high waisted shorts. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face.

Once I'm finished I blow dry my hair and straighten it, since I haven't done that in a while. I slip on a black beanie and find my black vans. I quickly put them on and grab my phone.

I text matt saying I'm on my way and walk out the door.

I walk over to his house and knock on the door. Matt opens it with the püma face and I start laughing. He does too and steps to the side so I can walk in.

I follow him to his room. It feels like forever since I've been in here. He does a bellyflop on his bed and I jump on the bed right next to him, causing him to jump and almost fall off the bed, since he landed on the edge.

I start laughing and he puts his bottom lip out and pouts "that wasn't very nice"

I just laugh more and shove him lightly. But of course he overreacts and throws himself on the ground.

How can you not be in love with him?

***sorry it's kinda short but I wanted to update tonight. Also sorry about all the mistakes and if it's boring. I already have an idea of what's going to happen at his house though, so the next chapter should be better hopefully.
Thanks for reading and if you liked it don't forget to VOTE because it makes me want to keep writing. haha sooooooo yeah that's it byeee***

My Neighbor Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now