Chapter 1

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"Yah! Slow down! Are you even human!" Joon shouted as he ran through the the trees and over huge rocks, trying to catch up with the one thing wild in the dead quiet forest.

I regret my decision of coming here... he thought. It's something he always thinks almost everyday, after school and during weekend afternoons like today. But he knew it was a useless thought as he always ends up listening to her, the only person who brought him happiness after his mother passed away. Though he never had any memories of his mother, his sister never payed much attention to him and there were no other female relatives he was close to. So she was the only girl he was able to open up to thanks to her bubbly and hyper personality.

"Yah! You slow poke! Don't be an old man and just come!" Milly shouted from the other side of the hill. Joon looked up from panting and continued to run to see the reason she brought him here to see. After more running and jumping, he sees her standing still with her back facing him. He walks up next to her to see what she was looking at.

"Oh you're finally here. Look. I saw it the other day during the school camp."

She pointed at a giant rock with a flat surface facing them. And that's all Joon sees. A big flat rock.

"What's so amazing about a flat rock? Did I run all the way here for nothing!?!" he seemed angry.

"No, go behind the rock."

Joon does as he's told and understands what she meant. Laid down was a picnic blanket with different types of food, all cooked by Milly, which he could tell easily.

"Milly, isn't it too much to make me run all the way here for a picnic?"

"I came her because I like this forest. And the running was for exercise. And I guess you forgot what day it is."

Joon took a moment to think, but didn't know what she was talking about.

"Happy birthday you big headed idiot!"

His mind suddenly went blank as he tried to process what she said. Then it hit him.

"Ahhh! I forgot my birthday!?!"

"Stupid. Am I the only responsible one here?"

And soon they sat, ate and celebrated Joon's birthday with cupcakes and small games Milly had prepared. Suddenly she took out two backpacks she had been hiding and puts them in between her and Joon.

"Why did you bring these?"

"Birthday boy or not, we need to finish our homework. School's tomorrow and knowing you, I'm pretty sure you didn't do anything."

Joon knew there was no beating her. Milly was always ready to finish up their work weather they were out or not. And thanks to his stepmother, she always managed to get into his room to wake him for school, do his homework, get something without him knowing, hence his backpack, or even to drag him out like today.

"Don't make me study..." he whined like a child to his mother.

"Kim Joon! What the hell are you gonna do about your future, cuz the way I see it, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!"

Milly shouted out the last words even though she knew it was a waste of her breath. Joon doesn't care mush of his studies. Not because he's bad at it, in fact he actually is one of the top scorers in their year. But he knows very well that he's the heir of his father's company anyways, so he doesn't bother to think about his future.

These are times people wonder how these two are best friends when they're such opposites. Milly is just an average girl who studies hard and has a dream about her future. She is always socialising with everyone and outgoing. On the other hand, Joon is from a rich family who barely studies and doesn't even think about his future. He stays indoors all day, if Milly isn't dragging him out, and barely makes any new friends.

But no one knows that these opposites are why Milly likes Joon. She's always allowed to do whatever she wants but she wants to do it with a friend. Joon is the kind of person to go with the flow, so he does whatever she does, and that's why she likes him. Milly also barely feels down, but when she does, only he knows that all she needs is an ear, a shoulder and a hug.

Joon likes her because she's the first girl who approached him first and, after hearing about him, she didn't bully him like other kids. Instead, she said four words that usually don't come from a three year old:

"I'll be your mom."

With no memory of his mother and an ignorant older sister, three year old Joon fell for her and, until today, Joon receives motherly and sisterly love from his best friend.

Many don't even understand their relationship. One moment they act like a couple, then they fight like siblings, then console each other like parents. It's weird and they like it that way.

After what felt like hours of doing homework, Milly looks up to see it was getting dark.

"Joon let's go home, it's getting late." she says looking straight. When Milly gets no response, she turns to see Joon asleep on top of his books, and decides straight away what to do next.

She packs all of their things except for what he was laying on, stands up and starts kicking him.

"Yah! Kim Joon! WAKE UP!!!!"

After waking him up, more fighting and finally packing up what was left, the two go down the hill and walk their way home, going to Milly's house first. Reaching there, they hear shouting from inside and both recognise the voices of her parents.

*Sigh* "They're fighting again..."

"Milly, are you OK?"

"I'm OK." she replied with a smile.

Joon knew that when she says that, she really meant it so he shouldn't drag it for too long asking if she was really OK or not. He bids his best friend bye and goes home, straight to his bed.

"That was another long day..." Joon recalled whatever happened to them and drifted to sleep.

I'm (not) OK [SeulYong]Where stories live. Discover now