Chapter 5

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Author's Note: I decided to stop with the usual ending of them saying 'OK' and end it differently (more cliffhangers, that is). Also, I'll be editing the characters cuz I found that someone is needed here, so you should go back to see who if you haven't(he's related to chicago, hehehe)...

Enjoy :)


Joon walked his usual way to school, feeling a mixture of emotions. He can't wait to meet Milly and catch up with the few friends he has, but he keeps worrying about his father. They don't know when he'll be gone, so he wants to ready all the time. It's already been months, but he feels the same almost everyday.

Class went on as usual, except for how everything was harder and the students had to be extra attentive. Sophomore year was no joke, and in a few months time they would be taking entrance exams for university, except Joon. He'll be taking a test to see if he is ready to run a business with the students of the nearby business school.

"You're lucky you don't have to take the stupid entrance exams with us. Man, I wish I was you." Joon's close friend, Youngho, exclaimed while eating their lunch.

"Trust me Youngho, you don't want to say that. By the way, are we going to that place after school?"

"Yea, of course. You, me and Milly need to make the most out of our last year together in school."

Youngho being Youngho, Joon and Milly knew that they had no escape from his plans. After school, they head straight to his father's photo studio and change out of their uniforms into whatever they could find in the closet.

"OK guys, pose as if we're idols, and make it a chic concept appa." Youngho goes around ordering everyone in the studio.

"Why do we have to dress up? Can't we just take natural photos, or just go out and take selfies?" Milly said while tying the laces of the sneakers she found.

"NO! We must take good ones too. Who knows, one day one of us might become a celebrity."

Finally they shot their first photo.

Finally they shot their first photo

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"Nice. My appa is the best photographer I've ever met."

"Youngho, I'm the only photographer you've ever met." Everyone laughed, and continued to take photos.

" Everyone laughed, and continued to take photos

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(a/n:yep, i tried)

After taking pictures, the three head out to eat street snacks, and play around the town. Nobody would realise by looking at them that they had entrance exams only three months away, that's how care free they were whenever they are together.

Finally Youngho left to go home, while Joon walked Milly to her place. The two walked and talked all through the time, laughing and hitting each other from time to time. The day felt so perfect for Milly as everything was going too well.

"Yah! That hurt!" Milly kicked Joons thigh upon reaching her house gate. She laughs and Joon starts whining.

"You hurt me, now I shall need to punish you."

"OK master, what is your punishment?" The two talked like the old martial arts movies.

"Close your eyes." Milly did as she was told, only to be shocked when she felt something soft on her cheek. She was quick enough to open her eyes to see Joon's head backing up, and Joon starts running away as fast as possible.

"YAH! KIM JOON!" Milly screamed while Joon only laughed evilly while skipping away.

"See you tommorow!"

Milly felt herself blush, while Joon felt proud. She calms herself and enters her house, expecting her mother to be watching TV. But instead she was on the phone. Milly walks past her and heads to her bedroom, waiting for her dad to text her so she knows to turn on her laptop. She's been waiting all day to have a video call with him to talk about how perfect the day was. 

While changing, she hears her mother call her. She takes her phone and goes down to see what she had to say, only to learn a valuable life lesson:

Perfect days always have terrible endings...


Joon entered his house still feeling happy with the punishment. His parents noticed his sudden happy aura, and gave him doubtful looks.

"Hey Joon, did you get a girlfriend?" his stepmother was so straightforward that Joon nearly chocked on his own saliva.

"NO! Omma why would you ask me that? You know I hate girls!"

"All girls?" his father continued.

"Well, except you and Milly, but why would I date you? So that basically means I'll never date."

His parents looked at each other and exchanged weird smiles Joon has never seen before. He shrugged it off and continued to his room. He took a quick shower and laid down on his bed, scrolling through the photos the three of them took that day on his phone. His father called him for dinner, and he was even more content when he saw his stepmother had cooked his favourite food.

After dinner, Joon goes back to his bed, chats some more with Youngho on tomorrow's plans after school, and tries to go to sleep, remembering what happened in front of Milly's gate, and with a final thought running through his head,

Today was completely perfect...


Sorry if this chapter was shorter than usual. I wrote it in one day to save time. 

Anyways, remember to vote, comment and share.

Also, go back to the end chapter 3 and fight for SeulYong!

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