Chapter 6

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Joon walks out of the hall with a huge weight lifted off his shoulders. He can't feel anymore happier now that everything was over. He runs to his school to see parents crowding around the school gates, and he could just make out Youngho's mother among them.

"Emo! I'm here!" Joon shouts to get her attention among the crowd.

"Oh Joon. How was your exam?"

"Good. It was easier than expected. I'll wait with you here for Youngho and Milly."

Joon stood with Youngho's mother and looked around to see the other parents. But to his disappointment, Milly's mother was nowhere to be seen.

"Did her mother not come?" Joon asks Youngho's mother.

"Well, I saw her drop off Milly this morning, but she left and didn't come back after that. She must be confident in her child." Joon knew that wasn't the case. Milly's mother never paid much attention to her studies at all, and Milly would study hard to prove to her mother what she was capable of.

"WAHOOOOO!!! IT'S OVER!!!" Joon and many other parents were surprised when Youngho ran over carrying Milly on his back instead of a school bag.

"YAH! SEO YOUNGHO! PUT ME DOWN! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Parents had shocked looks plastered on their faces, Joon was trying hard not to laugh, while Yougho's mother felt embarrassed  and gave a look of disappointment when he reached in front of her.

"Oh my Youngho. How was the exam? I'm guessing you did really well considering how you bravely just embarrassed us right know. Milly are you OK?" She had a scary calm look that mothers' give when they are being sarcastic and scolding you.

Youngho's mother pulled him by his collar towards where ever, while Joon and Milly just followed behind trying extremely hard not to laugh at him. She took the kids to a nearby restaurant and treated them to their favourites.

Entrance exams were finally over, and graduation was only two months away. The kids couldn't be happier than they were, and sat talking about their future plans with the parent.

"Well, we all know I just have to wait to become the president for our company. So, I'll be under training for now." Joon stated his plans first.

"Better than him at least. Youngho has no plans at all." his mother said looking at Youngho who laughed at her.

"Because I am good at everything omma, so I'll wait for a job offer that requires a handsome face." his mother slaps his arm while he and Joon only laugh.

Youngho's mother then turns to Milly, who only ate and gave reactions the whole time.

"So Milly, when can we eat at your restaurant? You know all of us are waiting for it." Milly stops eating at turns to her with a weak smile.

"I'm not sure emo. I don't really know if I can open one." Everyone stopped and looked at Milly, shocked. They know how it was her dream, how she saved money from ten years old, and how she always practised cooking and and waiting tables, to open up her own shop. With her sudden change in reply, they were left speechless. They decided to move on to a different topic, and soon, everyone decided to call it a day and head back.

As usual Joon walked Milly home, looking at her every now and then, thinking about what she said earlier. He couldn't help but be bothered by it, but decided not to talk about it since it might hurt her. Upon reaching her front gate, Joon stopped Milly from going in.

"Milly, tomorrow our holiday starts. Let's go out."

"OK, I'll be ready. Just call and tell me when." Milly replied unusually. Other times she would be excited and ask questions. Joon felt something was different with her, but decided that she was probably just tired after finishing the exams.

Joon headed home and was welcomed with a feast to mark the end of his high school life. Joon was happy that his family came together, meaning Jin was there too. He decided to forget about Milly for the time and enjoy with his family. While chatting, his father brought a box and passed it to him.

"Open this later when you're alone." Joon put it aside and continued to play video games with Jin. They were soon called for dinner and everyone stuffed their mouths full with whatever they could reach for. Joon felt happy that this was his family. Regardless of whatever bad happens between them, they are always hyped up when together.

Joon returned to his room after the small party they had. After showering and changing into his pyjamas, Joon went to bed when he suddenly remembered the box his father gave him. He went out to the living room and found it where he had left it. Joon picked it up and read the letter attached to it while returning to his room.

Hi Joon,
Congrats on finishing the exams.
Don't mess up the company, or I'll kill you.
Open this when you graduate (or when you get it since you don't listen anyways)
Bye, Jinae

Joon felt a pang in his chest upon reaching his room. He read the letter twice more and finally decided to open the box. He didn't care to wait two months for it. He found a smaller box with his mother's initials on the cover. Opening the box, something slipped out on to his lap, and he soon recognised the piece of cloth. He's seen his sister carry it whenever attending something important, and remembers what was on it.

'S.Y.R' (a/n: their mother's name is Song Yuri)

Joon traces his fingers over the stitched initials of his mother's name. He barely has any memories of her, but his sister always kept all her things in her room. Jinae would even use her old clothes if she wanted to, so coming from his sister, Joon understood that this was a small but meaningful gift.

He carefully folded it back into the box, realising there was another letter in it.

I know you don't remember her, but take this with you to work.
It gave me luck, and hope it does the same to you.
Don't lose it, or you won't live to see the next day.

Joon felt happy his sister still cared this much for him, and put the box in the drawer next to his bed. He then tried to sleep, and as usual, everything that happened that day went through his head. The exam, Youngho running with Milly on his back, his mother's embarrassment, their lunch, the feast at home, Jinae noona's gift, and finally Milly. He thinks of her all the time, and now he can't help but feel worried by her behaviour earlier. He soon drifted to sleep, still thinking about her,

Milly, what's wrong?
What did you guys think about 'BOSS'?
I was like,
'Well, I have a new image of Taeyong I can use'
Btw, TY splayed it!
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