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Alex's prov

(Sees The boys walk in)

I look away towards the window. Hopefully they don't see me.

A while later Peggy comes back with the coffies. I stand up and give her a hug, as a thank you ofcorse! We sit down.

"So... Why are you stairing at that group of boys? Is one of them the guy you like?" she looks at their reflection in the windows if you are wondering.

"Y-yeah... They are my friends. The one with the bandana is Hercules Mulligan. The tall one is Lafayette. The one in the turtle hoodie is John Laurens..."

"Sooo... Wich one is your crush?"

"J-John Laurens..."

"THAT'S SO CUTEEE!!! You should see your face! Are you sure that he's just a crush? You are so red by just saying his name!"

"Peggy! The whole café can hear you!" I whisper-yell.

She covers her mouth, "Sorry! But you should tell him how you feel."

Laf's prov

(One week later) (Lunch)

I sit next to Herc and John sits across from us.

"Where iz Alex?" I ask.

"He uh... He is kinda in the principal's office..?" Herc confessed


"John calm down!" herc is trying to confort John.

"I thought you zaid that you iz not gay John~?" I said mockingly

"I. Am. Not. Gay."

Keep telling yourself that John. Why are you so afraid of comming out? He knowz that we will love him no matter what. He iz a great friend, maybe even family, like a brother I never had. And Herc... Oh Herc... I want you to notice me Senpiiiiii. [A/N Hahahahaha I had to]

"Soooo... Why is he in ze principle's offices?"

Herc's prov

"Soooo... Why is he in ze principle's offices?" Laf asks

"Uhhh......" My mind wonders.


(In Maths)

Alex sits next to me. Our teacher is absent today so we got a Mnr Fletcher to, like he put it himself, "take care of us".

"But we did all of this yesterday sir! Shouldn't we move on?" Alex asked

I heard a few aw's from the class. I think Alex made a few enemies.

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