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John's prov

(The next day)

Ahhh first day of school. I wonder if one of the guys will be in one of my classes this year. I get out of bed, shower and pack my backpack. I take out my schedule. Mmmm... Art first? Yeahhhh booiiiii! I look over at my roommate, James. He is still sleeping. His schedule is on his desk. I look at it being the nosy one I am and saw that he has a class at 7...law.... I have art at 7... That's in 10 minutes. I shake him a bit.

"James? You have class in 10 minutes... WAKE UP!"

"Gah I'm awake I'm awake I'm-" he lookes at me, "uhhh why did you wake me up...?" I handed him his schedule. "So?" he looks confused. I show him my watch..."OH MY-" he jumps out of bed and storms into the bathroom. He stuck his head out for a second, "THANK YOU JOHN!" and then dissapeard into the bathroom.

[By the power invested in me by a recently killed unicorn, I call time skip..... Lol]

Lunch was okay I guess. Our group has our own spot in the cafeteria and we all came together there. I haven't seen the idiots around yet. By idiots I ment Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Reynolds, George King (who wants you to call him King George) and Charls Lee. They are the idiots of Kings Collage, also known as the bullies. Suddenly everyone went silent when they came in. The Schuyler Sisters. They float above it all. Never botherd. [A/N *cough cough* hethers*cough cough*]

One for one they came forward and called out their own name



"And Peggy!"

The Schuyler Sisters. They stick together. They care for one another, and others too ofcorse.

Peggy looks our way. The boys are talking about tailoring I think. She whispers something to her sisters and then walks towards us.

"Hey Alex!" peggy called nearly a mile away from our table.

The guys stoped talking.

"Did Peggy just call you..?" herc asked confused.

Alex stands up and walk towards Peggy. "I'll be right back" Alex said.

"Is he talking to Peggy?" Laf asked. We all are confused.

"Guys! It looks like she is talking back!" I said. We can't hear them, but I can Obviously see them talking. Is she taking Alex from me..? No! No! Alex is his own man...but it's not like you can choose whom to fall inlove with... Wait did I just..? Yes. Yes! I love Alex. I LOVE ALEX! Oh no no no no no no no no no!!!! This is badddd... I can't be gay! I thought I was over this!

I am.

I am gay.

Stop lying to yourself John.

You care about Alex.

You want to be there for him.

You want him to be there for you.

You love him.

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