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Peggy's prov

We, (James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and I), arived at the building James, Alex's dad, works at.

"Hello! I'm Peggy! Oh hi Ned!"

"Who are they..?" Ned asks

"They're here to help. Now take us to your partner!"

(Timeskip brought to you by a loaf of bread loafing around....buuuuuut then a cat began to nibble on the loaf. Poor loaf...)

James M just finished telling James H everything. We all where is James H's office.

"Damper Facility was never properly shut down..? And Eliza was... If we find her, and run some harmless tests, we can find out what they did to her and help her to never do this again. If we find something, we can end the lifespan of that blasted facility forever."

Eliza's prov

I have a question though....


Do you even love Alexander?

I...I don't know...

You don't know?

What I do know is that we need to do the right thing.

Find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

No! I mean turn ourselves in...

Oh... Okay.

So we are going to do that?

It's your choice... You have a physical form, I don't.

I'm saying sorry to Alex first.

I'm with you every step of the way.

Alex's prov

I ploped myself infront of the TV, on the couch when Eliza comes in running and hugs me like I'll turn into thin air.

"I'll let you go. I'll turn myself in. I did horrible things that can't be justified... I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for doing this to you... I'm so sorry..."

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now