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John's prov

(A few days later. Saterday)

"John?...John..? Uhhh wake up please..?" I hear a voice.

"Let meee sleeep dad..." I say.

"I uhhh..." I open my eyes. It's James Madison... Oh my... I sit up. "Why?"


I look on my phone. 6:30. "Why did you wake me? It's saterday."

"There was this big guy that nocked on the door and is asking for you... Are you in trouble? Should I hide you?"

"Does he have a bandana on?"


"Don't worry. It's a friend. His name is Hercules Mulligan." I get out of bed, do a bathroom run and put on some desent cloths. And by that I mean my green turtle hoodie and long blue jeans. I walk over to the door. Yep. It's Herc. "It's 6:30. What do you want?"

"It's Alex..." Herc says.

My heart skips a beat... "Wh-what happend? Where is he!? Is he in the hospital!!?? WHY ARE WE STANDING HERE DOING NOTHING WHEN-" Herc puts his hand over my mouth making me shut up.

"He is fine. I think anyways. There is something wrong with him... I just don't know what. Do you think you can talk to him?" Herc looks concerned.

"Y-yeah okay... Where is he?"

"He went to the park...alone..."

And with that I said goodbye to Herc and walked over to the park. It's a 5 minute walk though. Not that far away.

When I arived at the park, I found Alex quickly. He was sitting alone infront of the pond, on the rightside of the park. He was talking to himself it looks like.

"Heh heh... I wish you could see me now... I'm in collage. I'm out of the Caribbean. I'm out of Nevis. If only you where here... I wish you...I wish you where here... I mis you..."

Is Alex...crying..? I don't even control my actions. I walk up to him and hug him from behind him. He quickly went away...

"John..? Why did you..." his eyes are still full of tears. His eyes grew. "D-did y-you he-hear m-me..?"

I move over toward him and hold him in my arms. He puts his head in my chest and starts crying even harder than before. I hold his head and I played a little with his hair. It was so soft. After what seemed like 5 minutes he stoped crying. "I'm sorry... I am such a cry baby..." Alexander lifted his head. He looks into my eyes.

"It's okay Alexander. Everyone needs to let it out. And Alex I know you. You are no cry baby."

He places his head back on my chest. "How did you find me..."

"Herc thought something was up. So I take it that you don't want to talk about it and it's fine I-"

"I am an orphan."

"You... You're an orphan..?"

"Y-yes... I just...mis them... My mom died..."

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