A/N 2

190 5 0

I just messed up and I'm fixing it now.
I tried to get rid of the doubles. For some reason whatpad doubled some of my chapters. Just hang in there. I'll fix it now.
At least I know now for the future to leave it alone otherwise it deletes the double and the original.

A word of advise for future writers, or current writers that don't know this, write your chapter somewhere else on your pone/laptop where it's backed up. Otherwise you'll have to rewrite when something stupid happens. Since the beginning I backed up myne my writing it on a notepad app on my phone, and then I just copy and paste it to whatpad.

Another thing, keep those backed up chapters...okay? I think it would be save to delete them when you're done with your story/book/fan fic/and so on.

It's funny that this happend on Burr's birthday. Fun. He still haunts me for something that I did. What did I do you may ask? You'll have to find out in the future. I have plans.😄

See ya next time

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now