The real 12

324 8 13

[A/N I made a boeboe. I fixed it. This is actually no. 12. The other one was 13. I fixed it now so... Yeahhhh no one is perfect.]

John's prov

He must still be mad then.

"I can't just say yes without his consent. You guys know that, right?"

"I thought so. It's okay. When one of us sees him, we'll ask him. But it's a yes from you, right?" James said.

"Yes! I'd love to room with my Alex!" I held my mouth when I said that.

"Awww" they both said in unison.

I just blushed. We talked for a while, or well, untill we saw that it was 9:30 pm.

"I should be going! I have an early class tomorrow, you too James. Bye Yam!" he kisses James Madison on the cheek. "You comming John?" he said pointing towards the door.


"Alex might be back. We have law early tomorrow." James says.

"Oh okay."

I walk with Thomas outside. I do complain about this alot I know. BUT WHY IS MY DORM SOOOO FAR AWAY FROM MY FRIENS'S DORMS! MINE IS IN ANOTHER BUILDING!! Sheesh.

Bevore we even enter the building, a man almost ran us over.

"Sorry!" It was Alex's voice. He was in such a hurry he didn't even know it was us.

"ALEX HELLOOOOO!!!" I screamed

"Oh John!" Alex turned around and ran over towards us. He had a red rose in his hand. "I... I'm sorry about what happend with my father." he gives me the rose. "I hope it's not to cheesy." he smiled. Oh how I love that smile.

"I am still here guys!" Thomas said laughing. "Maybe I should ask Alex here for pointers."

"For what Thomas?" I ask.

"I want to be cheesy! With James ofcorse!" all three of us start laughing. "Sooo Alex?"

"Yeah Thomas?"

"You want John to room with you?"

"No. Way." Alex starts. "You didn't."

"I did." Thomas says in a smile.

"What?" I asked confused. I just realized that I get confused easily.

They just continued talking.

"That's AMAZING! I'd love to have John as my roommate! Not that I hate our conversations Jefferson."

"Same here Hamilton."

"What about Laurens?" I ask.

"John. You. Are. Laurens." Thomas says.

"I know, You guys said your surnames so I wanted to say my own."


"I'm weird like that." I finish.

"Wait... John?"

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