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Laf's prov

(The night at the bar)

"Happy birthday you two!" Alex and John screamed when me and Herc arived. Wait... It's Herc's birthday too? Wasn't his tomorrow..? Shiiiiittttt. I don't have anything for him. What would he want anyways?

Zis is bad. I'll get him something tomorrow and just apologize fifteen million times.

"Do we realy need to be at ze bar? Can't we walk around town together, go to ze park and watch a movie later on?" all three of them where watching me. I saw Alex's face light up and extending his hand towards John. John gave him ten bucks.

"I thought you might say that. I have a back up plan all sorted out." Alex said.

"So the bar was John's idea huh?" Herc asks.

John nodded in defeat.

"Come on guys! I have a wonderful night planned!" Alex started walking towards the park. That's when I notice that he has a black backpack on.

"Is he planning on murdering us?" Herc whispers in my ear.

"Maybe we should make a run for it?" I whisper back. We both silently laugh.

"Did we come at a bad time?" Alex asked looking towards us, shocked.[A/N If you catch the reference then I love you<3<3]

We where walking at the back and Alex and John where in front.

By this point we just started laughing.

The walk was soothing. The park was action packed! We found a ball in a bush (I saw the blue ball, everyone give it up for America's favorite frenchman! Me!) we played dogeball.

"Hamilton! You are on my team!" I called out.

"Why him and not meeeee????" Herc said.

"We can plan in french in front of ze two of you and you will not understand." I said feeling prowd of my plan.

"Fine, John! Get over here!" John went over towards Herc.

"Can our name be T-3thousand, Herc?"

"Uhhhhh 'T' ?"

"Turtle ofcorse!" John awnserd my question. Ofcorse it was ze turtle.

"Only if Laf and Alex's team are called 'Baguette Speakers' ." Herc insisted, trying to hold in his laugh ofcorse.

"Herc, it's french and-" Alex started

"I know!" Herc interrupted.

"-Why not call yourselfs the 'Pizza Speakers' since you both adore pizza so much." Alex finished.

"Baguette Speakers VS Pizza Speakers. Round one!" John started.


John's prov

(At Herc and Laf's dorm, 5 hours later)

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