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Angelica's prov

"Where the hell is everybody!? What the hell is going on!!? Why is everyone so sad!? WHAT HAPPEND!"

"Ummm... Our sister happend..." Peg tells me as we both watch a documentary about pillows. We both are on the couch.

"What did Liza do this time?"

"She uh... She... She-"

"Spill it." she turns to look at me.


"Slow down! What happend?" I put my hand on her shoulder.

"She killed Charls Lee..." I pulled back shocked.

"Wait... She did WHAT!" I hold my hand over my heart. Peggy just sits there, watching me.

"She also kidnapped Theodosia, I think..."

"Peggy. You think or you know."

"No no no! She DID kill Charls. She DID kidnap someone. I THINK that someone is Theo." fear struck my eyes.

Uh oh... Not this again! No! But it is impossible. We killed-

"Are you okay Angie?"

"Mmm? Oh, Yes! I'm fine. Just lost in thought, that's all."

"I... Wait a second! You know about this, don't you?"

"I didn't know she was doing this!"

"Sorry... I just... I miss her..." Peggy starts to cry. I move closer and pull her into a big hug.

"It's okay... Everything will be okay for now..."

"Things will never be the same... Was Eliza even real? Or is this who she truly is?"

"I don't know, love." yes I know my dearest, Peggy. She... Eliza just needs time. She'll figure out who she really is. If only I could tell you...

"Okay. Obviously you're holding something back and not telling me. I'm going. Bye." she leaves my embrace and exits the dorm.

John's prov

Alex did this all for me and all I can do is cry! Yeah sure John, you'll never be able to help him in this state! But I can't help him, I don't know where he is, or if he's still in New York. All I can do is lay on my bed and cry my eyes dry. That is actualy what I am doing. What else am I seposed to do? Call Alex's dad? Yeah right. If Eliza knows that someone did that, she'll blame Alex and hurt him. Sounds like something the new Eliza would do. Oh Alex... It hasn't even been a day, but I mis you. I feel like it, that this, will never end... I feel so lost without him. I miss him... I need him... I want him back... I love him so much...

Maria's prov

Maria Reynolds. I've always hated that name ever since I realised what a GOOD FOR NOTHING PUNK James Reynolds was.

And now I hate it.

I am currently in the coffee shop, thinking. I always come here to think. Which reminds me... Where the hell to take Peggy on our date. I'm clueless. I have no idea to where I want to take my little ray of sunshine. Wait wait hold up! I just called her 'my little ray of sunshine' in my head! That sounds so cute! I'll have to start calling her that.

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