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Alex's prov

(At the café)

We talked for what seemed like hours. I didn't mind it. I found a friendgroup that likes me for me.

"I never had a group of friends before." I said.

They looked shocked.

"I do not believe what my ears are hearing." Laf said, obviously shocked.

"Well you have one now." John said whilst placing his hand on my shoulder. Herc also placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Seriously guys? You can do better." Laf says. Laf comes over and hugs me. The others join in. A group hug...

When they let go Herc said, "I'm guessing first group hug too huh?" I nodded my head yes.

"Well, thank you guys for today. I really needed that, you have no idea how much I needed that..." I said.

"No problem man. You're our friend now. If you need anything, tell us." Herc gave me a playfull push. To be honest I almost fell towards the ground. That dude is strong! His muscles ain't no lie!

"Well I must be going, but I had the greatest time."

"Leaving so soon Alex? It's only..." Laf looks at his watch,"...10pm... Wow, when did we come here?"

"I think at 7 Laf..."

Three hours with these idiots... I wouldn't have changed it for the world. We exchanged numbers, they also put me on a group chat called Fwends. [Yes fwends, thats no typo.]

We said goodbye and left.

I unlocked my dorm and enterd to find a man that looks almost just like Laf, but with fuzzy hair loose in all directions (heh heh mini afro?).

He had red long sleeved pj's on.

"Oh so your my new roomy." he came closer and pulled out his hand. "Thomas Jefferson, please to meet you."

I took his hand. He seems nice..? I thought Peggy said he was an ass...?

"Alexander Hamilton. Nice to finaly meet you..."

"So you've heard of me?"

"Yeah a bit, but you seem to nice for it to be true." I said.

"I apologize for that in advance. I just stick to my believes strongly and I do have a short temper." Thomas says.

"Oh so your just misunderstood..?"

He sighs, then goes sit on the couch.

"Nah kid... I was a very, VERY bad person. But I want to change. I mean, I am starting to, and I did change somewhat."

"Good for you then, I am a firm believer that everyone can change for the better." I held out my hand so we can shake again. "Friends?"

He shook my hand,"Friends" he said. "But lets be silent of our friendship for now... You must have more friends and I don't want to ruin your reputation. People don't know that I have changed yet."

"What made you change Thomas, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My...my boyfriend... James Madison helped me... He saw the good in me when nobody else did."

"So your gay?"

"Is that a problem? Oh no are you homophobic?!?"

"Oh no no! I'm bi."

"Okay nice... No offence but I really wanted to room with my boyfriend. But at least I got someone that didn't know me the past two years..." he rubs the back of his neck.

"I'm just glad that your a nice person, and that I didn't get a-"

"An ass as a roomy?" he finished my sentence.

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be heading to my bed."

"Sounds fun," he yawns. "I think I might be sleepy too."

We both went to our beds. He fell asleep quickly... But I couldn't sleep.

I missed my father...


(9 years ago)

"Dad..? Please don't leave..." I said with tears flooding my eyes. He was packing his things in his bedroom. I ran over towards my mother who is sitting on the couch with no emotion on her face... "Mommy please make Daddy stay!" I tugged at her nightgown.

"Daddy will be back, don't you worry Alex... Daddy loves us Alex..."

"Then why is he leaving..?" I said with tears in my eyes, "If he loves us he would stay Mommy. You don't leave family behind!"

~end of flashback~

I missed my mother...


(7 years ago)

"Mommy!!" I came running into my mother's bedroom on the vurge of tears.

"What's wrong my dear Alex..?" she was still half asleep... We both were sick and because of the illness I got horrid nightmares.

"I had a bad dream..."

"It's okay... come over here Alex..." I climbed in bed with her... She was holding me and sing a song she wrote for me:

"Dear Alexander what to say to you... You have my eyes, you have your Father's middle name. [A/N not really but just roll with it. Pretended it's his father's middle name]. When you came into the world you cried, and it broke my heart......"

"Mother.... Are you okay? Can you please continue... Mother? You feel cold...." I looked over towards my mother..... She was pale... She was gone...

~end of flashback~

I decided to go into the livingroom and type on my laptop on the dining table. I wrote essays, like I always do. I wrote about college and about my new friends... 5 pages on Thomas Jefferson, and I knew him the least! I just have a lot of strong fealings about people changing for the better. 3 pages on Herc. And 3 pages on Laf.... I might have gone overboard with John's... 9 pages, and I'm not even close to being done. I just like him okay! Wait... Do I like him? Maybe I have a little crush on him...maybe... I'll need to get to know him more so that my feelings for him can slide...or grow... But by far it's just a crush... Just a crush.

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now