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Alexander's prov

(The next day)

So... This is campus... It's bigger than what I'm use to. I climbed out of the taxi and enterd the college. This seems nice, not a sound for miles. I put my backpack on my back and picked up my two small boxes that has my stuff in them. In only 2 weeks this place will be loaded, filled with noises and cheers. New York is sooo much better from the Caribbean. I continued to walk inside to the reception area.

"Hi I'm Peggy Schuyler you can call me Peggy or Peg." se held out an hand, I immediately exepted.

"Alexander Hamilton. Nice to meet you Peggy."

She has curly, brown hair that compliments her brown eyes. Her hair is up in a ponytail and she is wearing a plain pink t-shirt with a dark blue, short jean.

"Lets see..." she looks through all the papers on the desk. "Here we are," she gives me two papers, one with my room number, and another with my schedule. I started leaving

"Well thanks Pe-"

"WAIT!" she yelled and gave me a piece of paper with her number on it. "If you need help or just a friend... Call me... Or well texting is fine too." she smiles. "Sorry it's just you look pretty new  here and I thought you might need some friends."

"We're friends..?"

"I mean if you want to be Alex. Is it okay if I call you Alex?" she asked.

My mother use to call me Alex... I mis her dearly... I'll have to get use to others calling me that.

"Yes sure! Both is fine." I said

"Great, well I can't show you around because I have to...uhhh...work..? This is my first year here but I've never seen you in New York before... Mmm... Anyways! I'll just ask one of my sisters to show you around!" she said. She loves to talk I can see that. Maybe we can be good friends.

"No no it's fine. I'll do some adventuring myself. Can you just point which way my dorm is?"

"Oh, yeah sure it's the building to your left, the second one." she thinks for a bit. "Your not homophobic, are you?"

"Oh no not at all! See I'm-"

"Good! Oh but just a heads up," she leans closer to me and wispers,"...your roommate is a asshole."

"Ummm okay..?"

She then looks me in the eyes. "Oh and please don't try anything on me, I'm a lesbian." she then walks away.

I began walking towards my dorm. Second floor, nice. Not to far away from the café ( which is located across from the building). I open the door to see a nice cozy-ish place.

"Uhhh anyone else here yet..?" who even says that these days! Come on Hamilton! You will be rooming with this guy for the whole year! Don't be stupid. I walk inside and lock the door. I processed the layout of the place and walked over to the bedroom. One bed has bein claimed by I don't know who. I place my stuff on the unoccupied bed and start putting away all my stuff.(which isn't that much)

I placed my laptop neatly on the one desk and started typing away. I'll adventure outside tomorrow.

(One hour later)

"I am telling you man this is his dorm!" I herd someone yell softly. It must have come from outside. No ,from in the hall. I walked into the living room.

"Are you sure mon ami?" someone whispers. Am I going insane or are there people outside the door..?

"How are we gonna get in?"

"We'll ask the Schuyler sisters duh! Their father owns the place!" someone whisper-yells

I silently opend the door to reveal three dudes outside my dorm. One dark, muscular man with a red bandana around his head. He has a grey T-shirt on with the words 'spy' written in all caps, in black, on it. The guy in the middle is the tallest of the bunch, his hair is in a rough ponytail. He has a black jacket on. The other dude's hair is in a ponytail as well but damn it's so curly! It looks like the night sky threw up on him, for his face is covered in freckles. He has the most beautiful brown eyes that show hints of green, hints of life! He has a white shirt on with a turtle on it. He must like turtles... He looks so...perfect... No no! Hamilton! Stop daydreaming. He's probably straighter than a ruler! Plus you'll never even get the chance. It's college.

"Sooo... Who are you guys looking for..?"

John's prov

As me, Herc and Laf were standing outside who we believe to be is Jefferson's dorm a man opend the door. He looks so hot. Wait what? No John Laurens! You are not gay! You. Are. Not. Gay. But I could be gay for him... What no! You don't even know him stupid! His hair is in a ponytail, like myself. He has the most beautiful dark brown hair with eyes to match. His eyes... I can staire into them forever... He is only a bit smaller than me...wait...I'm not the shortest anymore! Hahahaaaaa! In your face Jefferson! Anyways... He has a plain green shirt on and jeans, just like the rest of us... Do I like him? No! No? I don't even know him!

"Sooo... Who are you guys looking for..?" the beautiful stranger asked... His voice though... Ahhh!!!

"Do you perhaps room with a Thomas Jefferson?" Herc askes politely

"I don't know who my roommate is... I just got here like an hour ago."

"Eh bien, vous n'êtes pas d'aide."(Well you're no help.) Laf said.

He knows that me and Herc don't understand french. When he does speak french it's irritating.

"Comme je l'ai dit. je viens juste d'arriver."(Like I said. I just got here.) Said the stranger.

"Oui oui!!! You must join ze group!" Laf turns to us, "He must join ze group. I hate being ze only french speaking person in our group."

Laf stuck out his hand towards the stanger, the stranger shakes Laf's hand. "My name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. But you can call me Lafayette or Laf, mon ami!" Laf said with too much happiness in his voice. "And zis is Hercules Mulligan," Laf says pointing at Herc.

"You can call me Herc if you want." Herc says and shaked the stranger's hand.

"And zis is John Laurens!" Laf said pointing at me. Oh dear. Say something nice, don't be stupid!

"Uhhh...hi." I said shaking his hand.

"Hi guys... My name is Alexander Hamilton, you can call me Alex if you want." the stranger's name is Alex... Alexander... What a nice name...

"Anyways lets show our new buddy around?" Herc said

"I would love to but... I have work to do..." Alex said.

"Oh come on mon ami! At least come grab a coffee with us at ze café!?" Laf protested.

Say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes!

"I guess I could spare a few minutes..." Alex said.

"YES!" everyone looked at me... Uhhh I said that out loud? "I mean I love to meet new people so..." great save John, great save.

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