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John's prov

"How are we going to get Alex back?" I ask Laf and Herc at the Coffee shop.

"Eh... I don't know. We needz to find them first." Laf says

"Yes... But how? Nobody's seen them, either of them, anywhere." Herc joins in

"We need to fan out and find her. We need to stop her! I don't know about you guys, but I want Alex back! I can't stand being without him! I will find him. WE will find him. So...are you two in, or out?"

Herc claps his hands "Great speech! And yes. We are in. We are friends. We stick together!"

"You mezz with one of uz, you mezz with allz of uz!" Laf exclaims.

"Now come on! Let's call Alex's dad!"

"Uhhh why?" Laf asks

"He has a dad?" Herc asked shocked

"Yes, long story. Anyway, he works in the police force."

"Why didn't we call him sooner?" Herc asks

Alex's prov

Where the hell is Eliza? She always leaves and comes back whenever!

I mean, I like not having this side of her here, but now I'm alone most of the time.

I use to be use to being alone...but then I met my friends...and John... Oh John my angel... I hope to see you again... I should stop now bevore I cry again...

But what the hell is wrong with Eliza?!

Eliza's prov

I am sitting under a tree, away from everyone.

So, what do you want to know?

What's your name?

Right there where it hurts, okay... I can make you remember, but then I will not be able talk for a while.


It drains energy.

For how long..?

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now