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Alex's prov

He patted the open spot next to him. He wants me to sit next to him. Did he see my scars? Does he want to talk about them? Maybe he didn't notice... I mean, most of my scars are witherd away. You can still see them, just not that good. I sat next to him. He looks at me. I don't know what to think. Wait...how did he even get in here?

"Um Alex?" he looks towards the ground. "Why did you kiss me?"

Oh so he didn't notice my scars. Why did I kiss him? My phone started to ring.

He looked up at me. "Shouldn't you answer that..?"

I take my phone out of my jean pocket. An unknown number. I stand up and stood behind the couch bevore I answer the phone.

"Hello, Alexander Hamilton speaking."

I hear all kinds of screaming.

"Hello are you okay?"

"Oh sorry! Wrong number!"

The phone went dead. That just happend.

"Who was that?" John asks. By now he is turned around on the couch, facing me.

"Wrong number apparently."

There was silence for a while untill John spoke up, almost inaudible, "So... Why did you..?"

He was talking about the kiss wasn't he. He hates me now, doesn't he? "Honestly John, I have no idea why I did that. You're my friend and-"

"It's okay Alex."

John's prov

"It's okay Alex." he doesn't like me. He will not stop rambling!

"-I didn't want to hurt you and I know that you like a guy already."


"Fuck I forgot that but you don't even desirive me John!"


"You desirive so much more!"


"No I will not stop! You know why John?! Because I like you! There I said it! I can't take it anymore!"

I stood up and stood right infront of him. "Alex stop talking for just one second I-"

"I can't! Not when it's about you! You desirive someone just as perfect as you are! You desirve someone who is sweet, kind and smart like you are!"

"STOP RAMBLING THIS INSTANT ALEXANDER!" I didn't mean to yell that hard... It did make him stop. He looked at the ground."Alexander..."

"Sorry... I just... I got nervous... Maybe I should just go..." he walked over to the door.

"Alex? Are you...crying?"

"I just need some air..." he left... He likes me... He said that he likes me... Oh no! I didn't tell him that I liked him back! LIKE IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!! I LOVE HIM! Oh no!!! He must think that I didn't exept him!

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now