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John's prov

(John's dorm)

Alex and I pack all my stuff in my boxes. I have 5 boxes in total. 4 of them being clothes.

"You have a lot of clothes John." he said whilst picking up a box. He looks in thought. It also looks like he haven't slept for some time.

"You okay Alex?"

He puts the box on top of another box and picks up both of them. "Yeah, just thinking." he shoots a smile my way. His smiles always makes me smile. His smile always lights up the room. His smile sends butterflies into my stomach.

I pick up a box and we walk over to Alex's dorm. Or well our dorm. Yeah, our dorm. That sounds nice. I get to be around the man that I love even more than bevore. Thomas Jefferson already took all his things out.

"Where do you want the boxes, John?"

"The bed is fine."

We put the boxes on the bed. "Now the last two boxes."

"If I have a lot of boxes, then how many did you have?"

We begun walking back towards my old dorm. "One box and my backpack. I don't own a lot of things and I hate shopping."

"Well, I guess we need to go buy you some clothes then."

"John, no."

"John, yes."

We arive at my old dorm and we grab the last two boxes. "I hate shopping." Alex complains.

"To bad so sad." we start walking back, again.

"So John, where do you even want to go on our first date?" he asks nervously.

"Mmm... Honestly I have no idea. We could just go to a restaurant?" Why is he so nervous?

"Yeah, okay. That would be nice."

"Why are you so nervous, Alex?"

"Oh I, um... I..." he sighs. He is so nervous that his words fail.

"It's okay, take your time."

He takes a big breath in and out. "This will be my first date..."

What? No! I don't believe it! "How is that even possible? I mean look at you! You're beautiful in every way that even your imperfections make you shine." Alex blushes. "Wait... So when you kissed me... Was that your first..?" He looked down and nodded. We arived at our dorm. We place the two boxes neatly on my bed. He jumps on his bed. "You know what, Alex?"


I start unpacking. "I'll plan the date. I want your first one to be special. And I'll make it perfect. I will not tell you any details, I want it to be a surprise."

He sits on his bed and watches me. "John, it's special enough with just you being a part of it. You don't need to go through all that trouble just for me."

"But I want to, Alex." he'll give in. He knows I'll just rant on forever untill he gives in.

"Okay, fine." Good choice Alexander. "But when do you want to tell the others?"

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