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John's prov

(After they met Alex. After the café thing in chapter 3)

After giving Alex our numbers we agreed to add him to our group called Fwends.

(At Laf and Herc's dorm)

"So mon ami." Laf said smirking at me. Herc was also smirking at me.

"What's with the expression Laf? Herc?"

"We know John." Herc said.

What do they know? I guess I should be asking what don't they know. They know everything about me.

"Uhhh..?" was all I could say.

"Come on mon ami!" Laf exclaimed

There was silance.

"We know you like Alex." Herc finaly said.

"W-what! N-no! I do not like h-him!" I could feel myself turning into a tomato.

"John and Alex, sitting in a tree-" Herc begun


"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Laf and Herc said in unison.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I sat on their couch and trew my head in my hands.

"Oh mon ami it's nothing to be ashamed of!"

"What if he's straight Laf? Or worse! Homophobic!?!?!?" I said whilst throwing my arms up.

"You got it bad John. You need to tell him." Herc insisted

"No!" I said. "Your not my mother!"

"No I am ze mother." Laf said jokingly. "But I do feel bad for ze little man... Isn't he rooming with Jefferson?"

"I think so... Peggy said that that was his dorm." I said. "Wait... IS HE EVEN GOING TO LIVE?!?!?" I begun panicking.

"I mean, he doesn't seem to have much muscle..." Herc starts.

"SO HE IS GOING TO DIE!!! MY FIRST CRUSH IN FOREVER IS GOING TO DIE TONIGHT!?!?!? Come on we have to move!!!" I started walking towards the door... "Can you guys unlock the door please?"

"Wait just a second..." Herc took out his phone and went to the group chat.


Herc : Hey Alex?

Alex : Yes Herc?

Herc : Are you alive?

Alex : .....

Alex : I wouldn't be texting you If I where dead Herc.

Laf : Yes but we forgot that you are rooming with Thomas Jefferson.

Alex : He's not that bad

John : ...yet

Alex: You guys don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine.

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