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John's prov

"May I read it out loud for the three of us?" Herc asks

I don't want to know what is in it. I couldn't care less right now. He left me without a reason. What did I do wrong?

Peggy's prov

I walk into the nearest police office. There are three guys talking with one another. One was in a cop's uniform. I'll call him doughnut. Another one was wearing a blackish-blue suit. I'll call him...mmm...Blue Jay. The last man looked like he too could have been wearing a suit, but just a black one and without the jacket. From now on he will be known as Fred. I don't know, he looks like a Fred to me. Wait... How does a Fred look like..? Wait. I came here for a reason.

I walk over to the front desk. A woman in a white blouse and with long lose blond hair is typing away on her computer. I'll call her Eli. "New York Police department, how can I be of assistance?" said Eli.

"Ms Kelly, will you ever not sound like a robot?" said Blue Jay. Okay so Eli is Ms Kelly. Got it.

"Can it James. I don't have time for you guys." okay so Blue Jay is a James.

"My partner and I are cop's like you Sara." and James is a cop, Fred is his partner. She must then be Sara Kelly.

"Yeah, the homicide unit. I don't trust you or your partner." ouch. Sara watch what you are saying.

"Yeah yeah sure whatever. What brings you here ma'am?" James looks at me and offers a hand. I accept.

"Peggy Schuyler."

"James. I'll help you since Ms Kelly here is in love with that computer." She glares at him, but then fixes her eyes back on the computer.

"My uh...friend is in trouble. It's important. I also know who killed Charls Lee, yes he is dead. He is a-"

"Collage student?" he looks surprised.

"Yes he is...er...was. I don't have proof per say, but I recorded a confession. Can we talk in private?"

"Yes yes! We actualy have a case on him that we closed yesterday. We couldn't find any leads." wow. Liza is that good? "I'll take you to our department, if that's okay with you Ms Schuyler."

"Just Peggy. And yeah that's okay. You'll just have to return me."

He laughs a bit. "You're funny, Peggy. Now come on. My car is outside." he looks at Fred. "Dude ya comming or wot?"

"Stop saying 'wot' when you talk to me. It's what, not 'wot'."

"I'm just messing with you, ya know. Now come on champ!" he said in a British accent.

"And now you're calling me champ. Yeah yeah fine I'ma comming."

"Jolly good show Mr Wilson!" Fred Wilson?

"Dude. We've been partners for a year now. Call me Ned. Mr. Wilson seems creepy and formal." it's Ned, not Fred. Hey that rhymes!

"Fine. Come on Neddy. Let's ride!"

I love this pair already.

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