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Eliza's prov

"So why are you here? I thought you only came at night?" Theo says

"I needed to get away..." I sat next to the bars of the cage. She sat next to me, on the other side of the bars.

"Away? Away from what? Life? New York? Work? This Alexander?... Her?" she smirks. "By the look on your face... It's her, isn't it? Oh sweety... What did she do this time?"

"She doesn't want to tell me the truth... I know she's hiding something from me."

"I think she's hiding your own memories from you. Wait, is that even possible?"

I don't even know what she is. I want her to stop. I want her to leave. I-

I want you to shut up.

"She's talking to me again..."

Really Sherlock?

"Wh-what's she saying?"

Well... SHE for one wants some peace and quiet for once.

"She's irritated."

Really now?

"She's very irritated." and please do shut it.


"Why do you think that she is irritated?" Theo asks

"She has emotions, she can speak to me. The only problem is that I think she's like a...a person."

Wow. You're not as stupid as I thought.

"Oh... But then...who is she?"

"I have no idea Theo. I have no idea."

Fine. FINE! I'll tell you who I am if you leave her out of it.

What the hell!? Theo wouldn't-

I. Don't. Care.

"I have to go, she's getting angry..."

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