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John's prov

"Lex? You done yet?" I ask at our bathroom door. Alex has been in there for ten minutes.

"Yeah. Go without me, I'll catch you there. I promise."

"Okay then. See you there..." I walk over towards the sisters's dorm.

Is he hiding something from me? What is happening? Did something happen? Is he okay? Now that I think about it... He seems a bit... Distant? Sad? Tired? I'm going to have to ask him when he comes. Yeah!

I arive at the party. "Everyone get yo butts here! We're playing truth or dare soon!" That voice can only belong to one crazy sister, Peggy. We all sit in the living room. The couch isn't there. Probably moved to a room. I sit down close to Peggy. I save a seat next to me for Alex. He'll sit between me and Peggy.

"Okay everyone! Is everyone here!?" Peggy yells


Peggy takes out a piece of papper with a pen. "Okay so John is here... Eliza and Angie went to get chips... Burr?"


"Okay... Herc and-"

Suddenly Laf and Herc enterd the living room. "Are we late?"

"No. Sit."

"Okay sheesh Pegz."

"Um... Where is Thomas Jefferson and James Jefferson?"

James holds his face in his hands and flushes. Thomas puts his arm around his boyfriend. "It's not James Jefferson...yet."

"Tommyyyy!" James whines.

"Okay... Reynolds is comming!?"

"That will be me..." Maria says from behind me. Peggy jumped.

"Oh yeahhh... Sit Maria." she sits down next to Burr and Peggy.

"Anyone miss us!?" Angelica came into the room with bags of chips. Eliza is behind her with...some sort of bottled drinks..? I've never seen those bevore...

"Okay now sit sistaz! Wait... Where is Alex?"

"He is comming." I think.

Suddenly Alex comes in. He sits next to me. "Did I miss anything?"

"Sheesh Peggy. Why don't you ask where the loch Ness monster is sothat it can also miraculously apear." I heard Jeffers- I mean Thomas say.

"It's a gift, I know. NOW LETS PLAY!"

"What are we playing?" Alex whispers.

"Truth or dare." I whisper back.

Eliza places an empty 2 liter bottle in the middle. "So who spins first?" she asks

"Well obviously the host!" Maria says

"YAAASSS!!!" Peggy spins the bottle. It lands on Thomas. "What do you choose Thomas?"

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