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Eliza's prov

(Still in the café. Working)

"Your not going to tell me?" I asked Peggy. How rude of her! I JUST WANT TO HELP HER! I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO LOVE SOMEONE!! I. Can. Help.

"I'm not ready for that rollercoaster ride."

Oh. She doesn't want to be in a relationship? She must not love the person that much then.

John's prov

(On his way to Alex's class)

I want to walk with him okay!? My phone pings.


Lexi : I might be a bit late after class. I have to check on something. I'll see you back at the dorm!

Me : Okay

Wait... He said that he might be late. Why would he say that... Who is he seeing? No! John, no! He is not playing with your emotions...is he? Fine stupid mind. I'll follow him and prove to you that he likes you... someway... I hide behind the corner. A few minutes later I see Alex come out. He begun walking towards the gate of the school. When we where some distance away from the school, he begun singing out of nowhere. He starts singing.[A/N the song up top ^^^. The part Alex is singing is more to the end. If you know the song, then I will hug you someday.😝]

"This was just a sad invention.

It wasn't real, I know.

But we where happy,

I guess I couldn't let that go.

I guess I couldn't give that up.

I guess I wanted to believe,

'Cause if I just believed

Then I don't have to see

What's realy there.

No I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts.

Pretend I'm something other than this mess that I am!

'Cause then I don't have to look at it,

And NO ONE get's to look at it!

No, no one can really see,

'Cause I learnt to slam on the breaks

Bevore I even turn the key,

Bevore I make a mistake,

Bevore I lead with the worst of me!

I never let them see the worst of me!

'Cause what if everyone saw?

What if everyone knew?

Would they like what they saw

Or will they hate it too?

Will I just keep on running away from what's true?

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now