Important note

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[Sooooo... This book is ending soon... I have this idea for another book that I'm going to start... Orrr well 2 books. One is going to be contaning THE BEST SHIP EVA! (Lams). Aaaand the other isn't going to be a Hamilton fan fic.

Yes, I am going to write an original story (or well, try too).]

Book 1  : (lams)

      The innocent one's mad too

A guy came in. I can already guess what his rolle is. He sits in the seat across from me. The small table is between us."Why are you looking at me like that?" he looked me, then at my file on the table that he sat down. He does look more handsome than my last psychologist. "Well, Alexander. Let's start, shall we? I'm John Laurens your psychologist and-"

"I have been through enough. I don't NEED a psychologist! I've been through a hellish childhood. My father left. My mother and brother DIED. MY COUSIN COMITTED SUICIDE! But oh! That's not all! When I finally get to escape that hell hole, another blumimg one opens! And then boom! I'm here. In this...this mad house. But you know what the worst thing is? Maybe I actually need to be kept here, but not by THEIR reasons!" I looked at my new psychologist. If that doesn't scare him off, then eventually I will. One way or another. Even if I want him to stay.

"You don't really like me that much, do you?"

"We just met. I don't trust you."

"Yet you tell me peaces of your story?" Smart arse.

"Yeah, well I tell everyone that!" I point at the file on the table. "That, is all you're ever going to get out of me. Nothing else."

Book 2   :

          What/Who are you?

"Well, it happend a long time ago. The times when humans and monsters lived under fear of eachother-"

"What in the world Sky!?" my friend screams from behind all the children. You can notice his black hair a mile away. It has it's own style, but that doesn't stop it from looking like he just woke up.

"I'm telling the story. Not you Danté!"

"Yes! Shhh Danté! Sky-Sky wanna tell-tell da story!" little Tiana says. Awww she's so cute! "This is book place called library! Shhh!" a croud of "yeah Danté!" or "Shhh" 's erupted from the croud of 5 to 11 year olds

"Well, like I said. There was actullay a time where we all where afraid of one another and-"


"Yes, Tiana?"

"Oh OH so SHE can interupt! Fine. I get it." says none other than Danté

"Me more important Dan-Dan! Shh!" she giggles a bit. "Sky-Sky? What are you?"

"What am I? That's a very good question, my dear. I do not specifically know what I am, but I'm definitely not human."

One girl tuggs at my arm. "But, you know every kind of monster. You even helped everyone here with their powers and other coolz thingz!"

A boy jumps up "Maybe you're the only one of your kind left! That's so cool!"

But if I'm the only one... Then how do I find out what I am?

[First chapter of both is out.]


Monday: (Lams)

Wednesday: last chapter of this book

Friday: What/Who are you?

If I have more time I'll update one of them on otherdays too.

[Yeah... So that was it. I might change their descriptions later on if I want to.  I hope you liked the idea's? Anyway... Bye~!]

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now