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Peggy's prov

(The next day)

Eliza is acting weird. I know she loved Alex. She told me that she was over him. Maybe she's inlove with someone she can't have..? I should follow her today. For all I know, someone could be bullying her!? In that case, phone activated!

She goes to the front door of the college building itself. I see Alex walking over towards her.

"Hey Eliza! I didn't know that you're up this early!"

"Oh hi Alex! Yeah I just wanted to talk to you, alone..."

Eliza? Watcha doin'?

"It's about John, Alex."

Alex's prov

"It's about John, Alex." Eliza said coldly.

"Um... Okay?"

"I want you to break up with him. Now."

"Wh-what?" I asked perplexed

I showed him my phone. He almost gags.

"Is...is that...Charls Lee..?" realization hit me. "You did this. You-you killed Charls Lee! Eliza why!?"

"It's simple, Alex. I love you. I want you. I need you."

Oh shit

"Break up with him, or I break him like I broke Lee!"

"You didn't break him you killed him!"

"And I'd kill again for you, my love."

No. No no no no! This can't be happening! No!

"And, if you tell anyone about this." she came closer towards me. "I will not hesitate to kill John."

Wh-Eliza? Why Eliza? I can't just leave him... He's my everything... But... She'll kill him if I don't...

"I'll give you time to think about it. And if you need to talk to anyone. I give you permission to talk to Burr."

Aaron Burr? "What does he play in this?" what did she do to him?!

"Oh nothing. He knows about the true me...but if the both of you plan anything stupid... I'll have to kill both John, and Burr's little crush. Bye now, my love. You have one day." she skipps away. I only have John for one more day... I try to hold back tears, but fail.

I start turning to go run back to my dorm when I stop. John is there... He'll ask why you're crying. If you go to anyone, they'll want answers. Aaron knows. I'll go to his dorm. He isn't rooming with anyone.

I run to his dorm. I knock as fast as I can. "Aaron! Aaron it's Alex! Please-please open up!"

The door flyes open. "Alex..? You-why are you crying..? Come in, please."

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