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Eliza's prov

"Where are you going?" Alex asked me as I headed the room door. He was following me.

"I need to go and take care of some...stuff."

Yeah right! You're going to cry your heart out again!

No I'm not!


"And don't even think about leaving!" I spat

If he does-

"Wouldn't dream of it."


He went to the couch. I exited and locked the door.

I hate you sometimes

Awww... I love you too! You really don't remember how we came to be?


I walked over towards the rental car.

You...don't remember..?

No I don't! Leave me alone!


I enterd the car and begun driving.


Drama queen

Hell hound


Listen, I'm not your personal mirror okay!

*gasps* RUDE

Rude yourself!

That doesn't make any sense.

Sh-shut it!

Awww~! Cute.

What the hell!?


What do you even want from me anyways?

...It isn't obvious?


Oh okay good then!

You want to kill?

I don't mind killing but that's not what I was talking about.


Look who's talking! At least I know why I exist in this world!


Looks like the tables have turned-


Anyway, why do you want to talk to me?

What do you mean?

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