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John's prov

Where could he be?


Me : Is Alex with you?

Peg : No, why?

Me : Can't find him

Peg : Maybe he's with one of his friends

Me : Why would I've contacted you if I thought otherwise?

Peg : Maybe with Aaron?

Me : Why would he be with Burr?

Peg : Aaron Burr is his friend

Me : Fiiiiine

Me : I'll go check

I'll check with Herc and Laf first.

I walk to their dorm. I knock and wait... I knocked again....


I put my ear on the door...


I deside to call them.

No luck.

Fiiiine. I'll go to Aaron Burr's dorm.

I knock on his door.


Where in the world could he be?

Just as I started turning around, Aaron opend his dorm door. "Hi John! Need anything?"

"I need Alex? I mean I uh... Is Alex there?"

Burr looked back into his dorm. "Yo Alex! Your man is here!"

Alex comes out of the dorm. "Hi, John... Bye Aaron." Aaron closes the door.

"Where you here the whole time?"

"Sorry, I should have left a note..." I hug him.

"You didn't even answer your phone. I was worried, Lexi..."

"I... I'm sorry..." I hear soft crying from my shoulder. I led him to our dorm. We sat on the couch. He is still crying softly. I hug him again.

"Shhh... Are you okay Lex?"

"J-John... I am so sorry... I have to... I can't..."

"Lexi..?" I looked into his eyes. "What's wrong?" he looks down. "Lexi..?"

He puts his head on my chest. "There's this thing I need to do... I don't have a choice. I have to do it, but I don't want to."

"Why do you have to do this thing?"

"If I don't, something bad will happen."

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now