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Eliza's prov

(she arived at her dorm)

John and Alex...

John and Alex.


I punch the door. I do not want to be in there. I turn around and go to the collage gate.

"Hey! Are you lost?"

I turn around. It's Theodosia. Burr's 'friend'. It would be a shame if something where to happen to her.

"Yes I am going to be."

"What do you mean..?"

"Oh sorry. I heard there is a park nearby and I have no idea where it is. I was just going to go to collect my thoughts...but since you are here, I don't think I want to be alone anymore..."

"Are you okay? I'll take you there... Come on it's this way." we start walking. "Are you okay..?"

"My boyfriend cheated on me... I feel like nothing. Honestly I don't want to know what I was going to do if I was at the park alone..."

"What do you mean..?"

"Can you take this and hide it from me..?" I gave her a pocket knife.

She gasps, but puts it in her poket.

"Where you planning on..?"

I nodded my head. I was lying, ofcorse. She doesn't need to know that.

"My name is Theodosia. You can call me Theo."

"I'm Elisabeth. You can call me Eliza or 'liza." when we where close to the park I spotted an allyway with a trashcan. "Can we through that pocket knife away?" I pointed at the bins.

"That sounds like a great Idea." she smiles as we walked over the street to trough away one of my many knives. Once we where in the alleyway I carefully took out a needle. I injected her. "Sleep tight, Theo..."

Aaron's prov

Unknown number

??? : Hi again Aaron.

Me : You know who I am? Who are you? How did you get this number?

Me : Ohhh the prank texter again.

??? : Is this a prank?

??? : (attached image)

I look at the foto... Theo..? She is litterly in a cell somewhere alone with her foot chained to one of the bars. The chain is long enough so that she can walk around in the cage. She looks so scared...

Unknown number

??? : Belive me now?

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