A/N 1

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A/N ~ I am updating tomorrow. I just wanted to sayyyy....

Happy 262'd birthday Aaron Burr!

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Happy 262'd birthday Aaron Burr!

If only you could see the world ( 🌎, for if ya don't know what "world" means )now.
There are a lot of bad guys (and Aaron, I mean truly bad one's, not Alexander) still out there that desive to be shot at.

We all should just stand tall and be proud of who we are. If they're mean, just ignore them. They aren't worth your time. Don't let them bother you or make you do something you're going to regret.

Revenge might sometimes be sweet, but it doesn't last. What happend, still happend.
You are never alone in this world. You have friends or family or teachers that are there, that truly care. There is always someone at your side. If you really don't have anyone, then you have me now. I care about everyone. What happend in the past, is in the bluming past.
Everyone has mistakes. No one is perfect.

"Everything that is beautiful, people want to break. And you are beautiful, I'm afraid." ~ from the song 'ugly' by Nicole Dollaganger.

^^^that the song^^^

Everyone is beautiful. Remember, it's the inside that counts😋!

Furthermore, I hope that you all had a wonderful day, whether it be in or out of school. (I don't know how it works out of my..."aria". The world is big.)

I promise to update tomorrow!
And again, Happy B-day Burr and also to anyone else out there!
Andddd happy 6 of February you guys and gals!

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