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[A/N I will be switching proverbs a lot in da beginning... Sorry not sorry.]

Alex's prov

I shot up and looked at him dead in the face. He just called me mon amour... John Laurens just called me mon amour... JOHN!!! Does he even know what it means? "J-John? I..." He must have heard the word somewhere! Maybe he asked Laf? I start to blush."I didn't think that you... I thought you liked another guy?"

"Wait what?" he looks confused.

My face falls, "Oh... You're just messing with me..."

John's prov


"John..? You okay..?"

"I didn't mean to say it..."

Alex's prov

He didn't mean it... Of course... He doesn't like me like that...

"Alex I... I don't even-"

"It's okay... Realy it is. You don't have to say it... I-I understand." he doesn't like me like that. I need to get out of here... "I have some work to do... I'll just get out of your hair." I stand up.

"Alex..?" he stands up too. My back is currently turned to him.

John's prov

"Alex..?" What in the world did I tell him?! He looked so happy but it went south when he thought I said it as a joke. What the hell does mon amour even mean!!??

"I... See you later John..." he goes into his room and comes out with his laptop and phone in hand. He left. I walk over towards my dorm which is sooo faaaar awayyy!..!. I sigh. I walk past the café. [A/N his dorm is in the next building and the café is across the building he just came out of... Renember?]

I see him typing away on his laptop. He isn't even looking up.

Alex's prov

(In the café)

Ugh! Did he even know what it ment? He looked so confused. Maybe I was just paranoid. I look at my phone. Ohhh that's how he heard about the word... He pronounced it perfectly.

John's prov

I arive at my dorm in no time. Inside I hear James Madison talking to someone...

"I'm back." I call. James comes out of the kitchen and huggs me.

"I want you to meet my boyfriend! Come!" he litterly pulls me into the kitchen. Then I see him. Thomas Jefferson.

"Jefferson. You're James's boyfriend?" I say in utter disbelief. Jefferson is an ass. Why would someone as kind as Madison date such a low life?

"I've changed John. I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you and your friends... I was wrong... James helped in changing me for the better. He helped me become the man I am ment to be." he looks at his boyfriend, James Madison. He has love in his eyes... You can't fake that... I know that look. He truly loves James Madison.

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