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Alex's prov.

(Roughly 2 weeks later)

College starts in one day. I've never been more excited. I have a hate/love relationship with school. Basically

Hate - socialization with people I do not like or don't know

Love - work and now I get to add friends I guess

John and I have been arranging Laf and Herc's birthday party this week. It's tonight... At a bar... This will be fun. In the meantime I got a job as a book editor. Today book editor, tomorrow author! Unfortunately I got an scholarship for law. But that's better than nothing, so I took it. I am younger than my friends despite this being our last year... I skipped a few grades, turns out law is easy. So now it's senior year! But also my first year in collage! I am not throwing away my shot!

I was busy typing on my laptop on my desk when Peggy walked in.

"Hey I got news. I mean I don't know if it's good news... No. Its awesome news! You are going to meet my sisters!"

"How did you get in here?"

"No time! Let's go!"

"Okay okay" I saved my work and put my laptop away. Peggy took my hand and ran up a flight of stairs. Right above my room was where they where staying. All three of them. But they didn't mind.

"Before we go in... Peggy?"

"Yes... Alex..?" she said catching her breath. "And how... Are... You not... Outofbreath...?"

"I love walking Peggs, plus tree times a week I go running-"

"Yeah you run for long ass-"

"Peggy!!! Oh and is this the famos Alexander Hamilton?" said a girl wearing a peach cap bacwards on her head. With a peach long sleaved shirt and a black short to match. She wore her hair down and wasn't as curly as Peggy's.

"This is Angelica, my oldest sister. We call her Angie!" said Peggy.

I shook Angelica's hand.

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now