Character description

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Name: Akria Yanka Hozuki

Age: 12 at the end 18

Birthdate: November 10

Height: 4"11

Weight: 93.65

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Hazel

Rank: Genin at 6, chunin at 7, jounin at 8, head of all Anbu age 10

Likes: singing, playing guitar,Old man third, Pervy sage, Granny Tsunade, singing, ramen, sleep, Anko, Kurenai, Asuma, Ibiki, Guy, Obito, Rin, Minato, Kushina,kakashi

Dislikes: bullies, arragont people, being underestimated, people hurting others, Danzo, fanboys, Orochimaru

Clan: Yanka and Hozuki

Kekkei Genkai: yin yang eyes from Yanka clan works similar to sharigan but you don't go blind at 4th stage. Allows person to control all elements. Can control blood with eyes from Hozuki clan and make them into weapons. With both her eyes change to differnt colors. Unlock both to the fullest after seeing dad killed.

(How eyes look using Hozuki eyes)

(How eyes look using Hozuki eyes)

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(Yin yang eyes all stages)

Weapons: kunai, twin katana, her blood weapons

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Weapons: kunai, twin katana, her blood weapons

Affiliation: Konohagakure also known as the village hidden in the leafs

Ranking ability 1 worst 10 best

Ninjutsu: 8

Kenjutsu: 8

Taijutsu: 8

Genjutsu: 6 ( she's not bad but could use work)

ChakraFlow: 10

Fuinjutsu: 8 ( not as good as minato)

Medical Ninjutsu: 10 ( learned from Tsunade and even has a diamond to prove it)

Senjutsu: 10 ( studied with jiraiya that's why she calls him pervy-sage

Space-time jutsu: 9 ( Minato taught her his jutsu)

Summonings: Frogs and wolfs, secert.

Back ground: She is the last of both clans her father was from the Hozuki and mother from Yanka. She was brought to the village at the age of 3. She showed excellent skills and was taught by 2 of the 3 legendary sannin. Doesnt like Kakashi being so strict but still considers him a friend. Makes friends with everyone of the genin

Personality: kind,smart when she wants to, sarcastic, likes pranks with Kushina. Can be a hothead at times

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